We’ve all heard about the problems that come with sitting for too long—enter the trend of standing desks—but what about when we are lying down? Is working from the bed as bad—or worse?—than sitting at a desk all day?

What is the biggest myth about working from bed?

Not all time spent in bed is equal. Dr. Chad Adams, DC, a member of the chiropractic care staff at Cleveland Clinic, explains that is the biggest myth about working from bed: it’s not comparable to the time spent sleeping in bed.  “Most people feel safe and comfortable sleeping in their bed six to eight hours per day,” explains Dr. Adams. “[But] there is a huge difference between lying flat while sleeping and propping up on pillows in front of a computer screen while working.” Not only is your posture affected—it is very difficult to work in an ergonomic position in your bed—but other health issues arise. This includes the fact that our beds aren’t as clean as we would probably like to think they are. A recent study conducted by Amerisleep had volunteers swab their sheets up to a month after first changing them and, well, the bad news is there were more bacteria after just a week than found on a toilet seat. 

What happens to your posture when you work in bed?

Of course, bad posture isn’t exclusive to working from bed; it is possible to have poor posture at a desk or even just when you’re standing around the house. However, the position you’re in when working in bed puts you at a bigger disadvantage (especially when you’re trying to juggle a laptop or phone or tablet).  “When you work in bed, your back does not have the proper support it needs, and your laptop is probably not elevated high enough,” shares Dr. Gbolahan Okubadejo, MD, FAAOS, a board-certified spinal and orthopedic surgeon in New York. “As a result of this, you end up curving your back, rounding your shoulders and your neck leans forward. By doing this, you overwork the muscles in your neck and in the cervical spine, which can result in back pain, muscle spasms, slipped disc problems and musculoskeletal disease.”  Not only is poor posture conducive to health risks; it also can have a negative effect on your productivity. While this is less important than your overall well-being, of course, it is a consideration to be made when making work your main focus while being in bed. A corporate wellness case study from 2017 showed poor posture—in this case, even at a desk—led to employees feeling increased pain and decreased productivity. Add in the element of your bed, a space that is usually reserved for sleep, and you increase the probability of added distraction due to the association between your bed and rest.

How often should you get up and move throughout the day?

Whether you are working in bed or sitting at a desk, it is important to get up and move throughout the day. Not only will this help reduce the pressure put on the body, but it can also provide some rest for your eyes and mind after looking at a screen for the majority of the day.  “People should be getting up and moving from their workspace frequently; ideally at least every 20 to 30 minutes,” instructs Dr. Adams. “The human body is designed to move, so sitting for long periods of time at a desk or on a bed can be tough on the body.” You can either take the time to stand or actually do some stretches and yoga poses in order to try to work out some of the damage done by prolonged sitting.  Dr. Okubadejo suggests the following:

child’s pose (“to loosen the lower back muscles”),stretching your chest against an open door frame,leg swings (“to loosen up the hips”),low squats to your ankles (“to stretch the lower back”),seated spinal twist (“works your back, shoulders and hips”),and dead bugs (“to strengthen the core”).

What are the dangers of working from bed?

Now that we know working from bed comes with a risk to your health, let’s break down some of the most major problems that working from bed can cause.

Poor circulation

Prolonged sitting, either at a desk or in bed, can cause circulation issues. Dr. Adams notes that this can lead to numbness and tingling in the arms, hands, and legs—what we often refer to as a part of the body ‘falling asleep’—due to restricted blood flow and poor circulation. Research backs this up and may concern you even more: not only is blood flow restricted to your limbs, but also to your brain. A study published in 2017 in the Journal of Applied Physiology notes that increased sedentary behavior—sitting, lying or reclining—affects the brain and “is associated with lower cognitive function.” That’s definitely not ideal when you’re trying to tackle work tasks.

Poor posture

By now you know that poor posture is a side effect of working from bed, but it still deserves to be reemphasized. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science notes that poor posture while sitting (or in this case, propped up in bed) affects the body more than lying down or standing up. It is also added that proper posture is necessary for “effective functioning of the body” as a whole. “There is no possible way to keep good posture when working from a bed,” stresses Dr. Adams.

Poor sleep

Finally, it needs to be acknowledged that when you’re working from bed, you’re disrupting the association between your bed and rest. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found thatstress at work is associated with poor sleep outcomes. When you physically bring that work stress into your bed, it can be inferred that there is an even greater chance of sleep disruption. Poor sleep comes with both short-term and long-term health effects, and a study from 2017 notes this includes depression, anxiety, increased stress, impaired cognitive function, hypertension, and can even “worsen the symptoms of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders.” Next up, try these yoga positions to reverse the effects of sitting and help get a better night’s sleep.


Amerisleep, “Bacteria in your Bed.”Dr. Chad Adams, DC, a member of the chiropractic care staff at Cleveland ClinicEHS Today, January 26, 2017. “Bad Posture Habits Lead to a Decrease in Productivity.”Dr. Gbolahan Okubadejo, MD, FAAOS, a board-certified spinal and orthopedic surgeon in New YorkJournal of Applied Physiology, Carter, S. et al., September 19, 2018. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00310.2018. “Regular walking breaks prevent the decline in cerebral blood flow associated with prolonged sitting.”Journal of health and social behavior, Burgard, S. A., & Ailshire, J. A. (2009). 50(4), 476–492. doi: 10.1177/002214650905000407. “Putting work to bed: stressful experiences on the job and sleep quality.”Journal of physical therapy science, Kim, DeokJu et al., vol. 27,6 (2015): 1791-4. doi: 10.1589/jpts.27.1791. “Effect of an exercise program for posture correction on musculoskeletal pain.”Nature and science of sleep, Medic, G., Wille, M., & Hemels, M. E. (2017) 9, 151–161. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S134864. “Short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption.”Tuck Sleep, March 23, 2021. “Sleep, Work, and COVID-19: In-Depth Study.” Working from Home in Bed  Is It Bad for You  - 64