Who was eliminated on The Amazing Race 34 in Week 6?
Abby Garrett and Will Freeman - Childhood sweethearts
Amazing Race superfans Abby and Will had raced five episodes with a smile brimming from ear to ear. But that smile quickly turned upside-down, along with their race, when they were informed that they had tested positive for COVID prior to the start of this week’s leg. Out of safety, they were not allowed to continue. They got to say their goodbyes on a call with host Phil Keoghan, thanking him for making their dream come true.
Which teams finished at the top in Week 6?
Jordan has been good to Luis Colon and Michelle Burgos. Despite getting lost at the start of the leg, a combination of Michelle’s dance experience and Luis’ handiness got them their second first-place finish in a row. Behind them were dancers Aubrey Ares and David Hernandez, who finished in the top for the first time this season. Quinton Peron and Mattie Lynch got lost alongside Luis and Michelle but had a similar bounceback, thanks to the former cheerleaders’ dance background.
Which teams finished at the bottom in Week 6?
Who’s left this season on The Amazing Race 34?
–Aubrey Ares and David Hernandez - Ballroom dancers
–Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss - Reality romance
–Emily Bushnell and Molly Sinert - Long-lost twins
–Glenda and Lumumba Roberts - Newlyweds
–Luis Colon and Michelle Burgos - Married
–Marcus and Michael Craig - Military brothers
–Quinton Peron and Mattie Lynch - Former Rams cheerleaders
Next, read our interview with Linton and Sharik Atkinson, who were eliminated in The Amazing Race 34 Episode 5.