The guiding belief of the anti-inflammatory diet is that certain foods can reduce inflammation in the body. This diet prescribes a list of foods that are encouraged on a daily basis, along with a set of foods that are off-limits or should be eaten in smaller amounts. Even though the idea of keeping track of off-limits and allowed foods might seem overwhelming, many of the guidelines of this eating plan are pretty common sense. Once you understand the thinking behind the foods you’ll be eating on this diet, you’ll have an easier time shopping and cooking for yourself. For example, on an anti-inflammatory diet plan, you’re expected to avoid processed foods and sugars and reach for whole foods instead. The fewer ingredients a single food contains, the better, making unpackaged foods like produce and lean meats good choices. There is a lot of crossover between the anti-inflammatory diets and other balanced eating plans, like the Mediterranean Diet or the Zone Diet, so don’t be surprised if some of this sounds pretty familiar.
What are the benefits of the anti-inflammatory diet?
The most well-known benefit of the anti-inflammatory diet is the ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. While many people think of inflammation as swelling or redness in a specific site, that isn’t always what it looks like. Chronic inflammation tends to be experienced throughout the body. While this type of inflammation may not come with obvious symptoms, it can affect your wellbeing, negatively affecting your organs and even setting you up for health problems in the future. This is why reducing inflammation is so important. Researchers believe it can be tied to a wide range of health problems, including arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.
Is the anti-inflammatory diet safe? Are there any side-effects?
There are no known side effects of following an anti-inflammatory diet, according to Cleveland Clinic. While many medications used to treat chronic diseases may come side effects, this diet is one way you address chronic inflammation without concerns about side effects. It is worth noting that any dieting, or the act of restricting certain food groups or calorie intake, can have negative consequences. Among those who diet, 35% are expected to become what is known as pathological dieters and 20 to 25 percent of pathological dieters will develop an eating disorder, according to the National Eating Disorder Association. That being said, the anti-inflammatory isn’t an incredibly restrictive diet because it doesn’t require consuming fewer calories. It may be possible for many to follow the plan without engaging in extreme behaviors, like calorie counting, that could turn into disordered eating.
What are the best foods for an anti-inflammatory diet plan?
The big idea of the anti-inflammatory diet is that eating a variety of whole foods is good for the body. This means that, if you are following this plan, you’ll get a chance to try all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When picking out foods that aren’t fresh produce, you’ll want to be a little choosey. Most of your protein will come from fatty fish, like salmon, and plant-based proteins like legumes. While red meat and pork aren’t off-limits, lean cuts are encouraged and processed options are supposed to be avoided. On the anti-inflammatory diet, healthy fats are encouraged. This means eating nuts for snacks, using olive oil for cooking, and eating avocados. A moderate amount of dairy is OK on this diet but should be a low-fat version because saturated fat is meant to be consumed in moderation.
What are some anti-inflammatory diet recipes?
Eating salmon, which provides a good serving of omega-3 fatty acids, is encouraged on the anti-inflammatory diet. That makes Joanna Gaines’ Grilled Salmon with Meyer Lemons and Creamy Cucumber Salad a great dinner choice. Pro tip: If you want to stick with the guideline of avoiding saturated fats, trying an avocado mayo in place of regular mayo in your creamy sauce. There is nothing that beats the comfort of a good soup and the right recipe can help reduce inflammation. Laila Ali’s Inflammation-Busting Chicken Noodle Soup is loaded with nutritious ingredients, including turmeric, greens, and carrots.
What are the best anti-inflammatory diet snacks?
Want a diet that makes snacking easy? This one does just that. Snacking on nuts is encouraged on the anti-inflammatory diet. Since legumes are a great source of lean protein, now is a great time to experiment with different kinds of hummus, we’ve got a basic hummus recipe you can add any combination of spices to for a little variety.
What are the best anti-inflammatory diet breakfasts?
The main goals of an anti-inflammatory breakfast are to cook with whole, unprocessed foods and avoid processed breakfast meats and sugary breakfast treats made white heavily processed grains. Since fruits, low-fat dairy, and whole grains are all a part of this eating plan, it is always a good idea to have greek yogurt and some homemade granola on hand. Eggs are also allowed on this diet and a portobello egg bake a great way to add veggies to your breakfast.
What are the best anti-inflammatory diet desserts?
Being on a diet doesn’t have to mean giving up on treats, but eating something sweet on the anti-inflammatory diet will require some creativity. We suggest looking for desserts made with whole grains and sweetened with a natural option, like raw honey or fruits. Elle Macpherson’s favorite Avocado Chocolate Mousse totally fits the bill, it is sweetened with maple syrup and contains a ton of healthy fats because it has avocado and almond butter as its base. Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory powers, making this turmeric cake a great option for a sweet treat.
What foods should you avoid on the anti-inflammatory diet?
The good thing about this specific diet is that it isn’t one with a ton of rules. If your focus is on whole foods with few ingredients and plenty of variety, you’ll probably have an easy enough time filling your plate with anti-inflammatory foods. It is good to know what you shouldn’t be eating if you want to get the benefits of reducing inflammation in your body. Research has found that too much sugar can trigger chronic inflammation, and this is a diet that suggests just steering clear of the sugar altogether. Processed meat is also discouraged on this diet, so stock up on lean protein like chicken, beans, and low-fat dairy instead. Grains are great for your health, but be careful when you’re grocery shopping. White bread, white pasta, and even gluten can trigger inflammation and should be avoided if you’re following this plan.
26 Facts About the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
As noted, an anti-inflammatory diet attempts to steer the body from a chronically inflamed state to one with healthy levels of inflammation. While things like regular exercise, proper sleep and stress management can also play a role, experts say diet can be a crucial aspect in keeping our bodies free of dangerous levels of chronic inflammation. Here are 24 more things to know about the anti-inflammatory diet, and doctors share quick tips on how you can incorporate elements of it into your lifestyle:
1. Inflammation as a bodily function is not necessarily a bad thing.
“When the body is injured or ill, the lymphatic (immune) system springs into action, bringing the immune system’s army of white blood cells to the area of concern via increased blood flow,” explains Dr. Josh Axe, founder of Ancient Nutrition. He notes that “inflammation in a healthy body is the normal and effective response that facilitates healing,” like when a cut becomes red, painful or swollen.
2. But too much inflammation is no bueno.
According to Dr. Axe, when the immune system overreaches and begins attacking healthy body tissues, we’re met with an autoimmune disorder and inflammation in otherwise healthy areas of the body. “Inflammatory effects also are linked to arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms, as well as celiac and irritable bowel disease (IBD),” he explains, adding that, “asthma creates inflamed airways; inflammation related to diabetes affects insulin resistance; and so on.”
3. “An anti-inflammatory diet is one that not only reduces inflammation but also increases its resolution (i.e., turning it off) and generates the repair of the tissue damage caused by the inflammation,” says Dr. Barry Sears.
Dr. Sears is president of the non-profit Inflammation Research Foundation, and author of the Zone Diet book series (which now includes his newest release, The Resolution Zone).
4. The standard American diet isn’t doing us any favors in this department.
As a report from the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases stated: “While today’s modern diet may provide beneficial protection from micro- and macronutrient deficiencies, our over abundance of calories and the macronutrients that compose our diet may all lead to increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased rates of cancer, and increased risk for allergic and auto-inflammatory disease.”
5. The anti-inflammatory diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet plan—but not exactly the same.
Dr. Andrew Weil, co-founder of True Food Kitchen, author of 8 Weeks to Optimum Health and the creator of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet, tells that he based his program on the Mediterranean diet, due to the evidence-backed general health benefits on it. “I tweaked that by adding Asian influences to it because I’ve spent a lot of time in Asia and I’ve drawn on Asian cuisine. So adding such things as ginger and turmeric and green tea and Asian mushrooms, for example,” he explains.
6. The diet prioritizes vegetables, fruits, whole and cracked grains, pasta, beans and legumes, healthy fats, fish and shellfish, whole-soy foods, cooked Asian mushrooms, and tea.
You can have occasional servings of lean meat, eggs, and small dairy—as well as small amounts of chocolate and wine! Check out Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid for the recommended servings of each.
7. Say no to processed foods.
“The most important tip is to avoid refined, processed, and manufactured foods,” explains Dr. Weil. “That’s what’s doing us in. That’s what’s causing most problems, so the more you can eliminate that from your diet, the better.”
8. Prioritize whole foods.
Weil adds that you will be doing your body a massive favor if you “eat foods that are as close to the way nature produces them as possible.”
9. If you have certain medical conditions, you may want to give it a whirl.
Weil would recommend that everyone prioritizes eating in a low inflammatory manner—“I think it gives you your best shot at overall health and longevity, since the most serious diseases that do people in as they get older are rooted in chronic inappropriate inflammation. So I think by following that, that’s really your best overall health strategy,” he explains. But per the expert, people with inflammatory disorders like arthritis, autoimmune diseases, etc. may especially benefit from it.
10. Think twice before loading up your morning beverages with artificial additives.
“Coffee and tea are generally considered anti-inflammatory—it’s with what we adulterate these beverages that can swing these beverages into inflammatory territory,” says Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition.
11. Spices like turmeric and ginger can go a long way in helping to curb inflammation.
“The journal Oncogene published the results of a study that evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds. It found that aspirin (Bayer, etc.) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) are least potent, while curcumin is among the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative agents in the world,” says Dr. Axe. Dr. Axe also notes that “you can use ginger in fresh, dried, or in supplement form, as well as extracts.”
12. “Turmeric comes in a supplement form but also add the spice to foods like salad, soup, or scrambled eggs,” says Len Saunders, author of Generation Exercise, and a spokesperson for the American Heart Association.
13. Choose at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, says Hailey Crean, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Hailey Crean Nutrition, LLC.
She says that “fruits and vegetables contain beneficial polyphenols such as anthocyanin, which have powerful antioxidant effects” and that “diets high in fruits and vegetables provide vitamins C and E, which may provide protective antioxidant effects.”
14. Be mindful of fat choices.
“Studies show that diets with better ratios of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids may provide protective cardiovascular benefits,” says Crean. She cites that good sources of dietary omega-3 fatty acids include: fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring—“aim for 2 servings a week”—and advocates for limiting dietary sources of omega-6 fatty acids like soybean oil, sunflower oil and corn oil.
15. Stop before you pick up that brownie.
A crucial component of warding off inflammation, per Dr. Weil, is to keep your sugar intake low. “Also pay attention to the fructose content of various sweeteners because the body can’t handle fructose well and it disrupts metabolism,” he says. “Of the common sweeteners, maple syrup has the lowest fructose content. Honey and agave are quite high fructose content and I think generally too much sugar,” says Dr. Weil.
16. You don’t have to become a vegetarian but Dr. Weil wants you to reduce your animal protein.
“It would be good for people to reduce the percentage of animal foods in the diet. I think that North Americans eat much too much meat, beef especially, and too many animal foods. So replacing some of that with plant proteins is a good strategy,” he explains.
17. Eat the rainbow.
Aim for a wide variety of vegetables, incorporate them into as many meals as possible, and include as many different colors as you can get, says Dr. Weil.
18. Be choosey with your grains.
Weil says grains are absolutely OK, as long as you are eating the right kinds. “I think grains are good food if they’re not processed, but there’s a big difference between whole grains or cracked grains and polarized grains/flour,” he says. “If I ask most people to name a whole grain food, they’ll say whole wheat bread. And that’s not a whole grain foods. It’s made from flour.” So limit the processed ones and opt for rice, wild rice, quinoa, barley, millet and buckwheat instead.
19. Recipe options are limitless.
There are many foods that are allowed on the diet plan and Dr. Weil encourages you to get creative. For instance, he often eats smoked fish and whole grain toast, or even a salad for breakfast. “You can have fish frequently, especially salmon and black cod and other fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. I like good soy foods—tempeh, tofu, edamame. And those are examples of good quality vegetable protein foods. There are many vegetable preparations. Pasta is fine as long as it’s cooked al dente and not in huge quantities with not creamy, buttery sauces. And a lot of the ethnic foods like Asian, Middle Eastern, and Japanese are filled with healthy spices and great ingredients,” he says.
20. Read labels.
Weil says as a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to avoid “foods prepared by other people, fast food, and stuff from the middle of the supermarket—the highly-processed stuff.” He adds that if ingredients can barely fit on the label, you don’t want to eat it; if they are too many things there, you don’t know what they are, it’s a pass. “Think about if you’re going to make this at home, what ingredients you would use? And if there are too many other things beyond that,” don’t use them.
21. A few processed foods do get Dr. Weil’s stamp of approval, just make sure they are clean and with limited, whole foods-based ingredients.
“There are some good prepared foods out there,” he explains, noting that he buys Gyoza potstickers from Trader Joe’s—“I often cook them with broccoli and that’s a quick, easy meal”—as well as American Flatbread pizzas from Whole Foods.
22. Some additional foods to think about incorporating:
Per Jim Frith, author of End the Yo-Yo; the EAMAYW® System and advanced sports nutrition specialist, are: darkly pigmented berries, stone fruits, cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, beets, green tea, probiotics, kelp, avocado, nuts, free-range eggs and olive oil.
23. Foods to avoid:
per Global Master Chef Karl Guggenmos, senior culinary advisor at Healthy Meals Supreme, include: refined carbohydrates, processed meats, sugary drinks, refined added sugars, excessive alcohol consumption and processed conventional snack items.
24. The anti-inflammatory diet shouldn’t be thought of as a diet so don’t get too crazy restrictive.
“It’s really an eating plan for life and it’s not in any way meant to reduce the pleasure of eating,” says Weil. “I think above all, eating should be pleasurable and it is possible to have good food that meets the requirements of the anti-inflammatory diet,” he adds. Learn more about Gut Health.