A run on Top Chef can be as delicate and complicated as making pasta. It requires exact amounts of certain “ingredients,” combined with strong technique and a touch of point of view to boot. And as Chris Viaud experienced, both making pasta and a successful time on Top Chef was much harder than expected. It was a chilly start for the New Hampshire chef, as he wound up facing elimination in two of the first three episodes. In the first instance, his dense pasta weighed down his dish, the first of unfortunately many times it would happen. In the second, his attempt to make Haitian cuisine using French techniques fell flat with the judges, who criticized him for not showing who he is. That was the wake-up call Chris needed to kick it into high gear. Deciding to keep it simple and call back to his own personal experiences, Chris’ new approach to the game saw a lot of success, winning two Quickfire Challenges back to back. Unfortunately, that time in the sun was short-lived. It was another string of bottom finishes for Chris, earning complaints from the judges that nothing he makes has “salt or soul.” The final nail (or gnocchi) in Chris’ coffin came when the chefs were tasked with creating a dish and writing its recipe. An error in translation spelled trouble, as all-star winner Melissa King couldn’t replicate his pasta from his recipe. It was Chris’ third strike at making pasta, and he was out. Read on to hear Chris’ thoughts on his time in the game, and check out Last Chance Kitchen to watch him and other eliminated chefs fight for redemption and a chance to get back into the competition. What compelled you to apply for Top Chef, especially in the middle of the pandemic when things are so hard on the restaurant industry, as well as leaving your newborn daughter behind? I have always aspired to compete on Top Chef and I knew there was going to come a time where I was ready to apply and test myself to compete against some of the most talented chefs in the country. I just never thought that opportunity would come so soon! The timing this season was the perfect opportunity as the months prior to going through the casting process were so difficult; I needed to take a step back and think about doing something for myself for a change. I wanted the chance to take a step back from the chaos of chasing my tail, shifting gears so many times while the industry was changing each day. Leaving my daughter and wife behind at the time was very challenging, and I missed them more than I could express. But I know years down the road, my daughter will be able to look back and stand proud knowing I was one of the chefs competing on Season 18 with all the different changes and setbacks we faced during the pandemic. You start the competition on a tough note, finishing in the bottom in two of the first three Elimination Challenges. How much did you struggle to find your footing? Competing in Top Chef is an experience like no other. Sure, I know how to cook. But part of my journey was pushing myself in ways that I haven’t before. I learned early on that I was making mistakes that kept pulling me back, and I just wanted the chance to break through. It’s intimidating standing in front of the judges and all-stars after putting your all into your dish and not knowing what the outcome would be. I didn’t want my shortcomings to determine who I was as I competed and wanted to be sure to represent myself to the best I possibly could. What did you learn from your experiences in the bottom that allowed you to win the Campbell’s soup challenge? I learned to keep things simple and playful and remember that food is comfort. There is a time and place for elegant dishes, and throughout some of the challenges, I needed to remind myself to practice restraint. You spoke up about losing an uncle to COVID. How much did cooking for frontline workers mean to you, given that tragedy? It was an incredible opportunity to be a part of that challenge feeding the frontline workers. I heard from my aunt, who witnessed firsthand how long and hard the hospital staff was working. By showing them love through food, it was one way of expressing gratitude. At Greenleaf, we were able to donate over 1500 lunch sandwiches to the frontlines when the shutdown first occurred. I couldn’t help but think about what they were all experiencing. Although my Uncle was not in a hospital close by, I knew that my efforts to the local hospitals extended far beyond the towns surrounding. If one restaurant can have such an impact from being inspired by others around, it causes a chain reaction where we all learn and grow together and respect and cherish those who are putting their lives on the line to keep all our families safe. The judges said at one point that everything you cooked had a “lack of seasoning and a lack of identity.” How do you respond to that critique? At that point, I could tell that the judges could sense my insecurities. I came onto the show with the desire to find myself as a chef. Based on some of the mistakes I made during the course of the competition, it was evident that I had no clear vision on the direction I wanted to take my food or thoughts. Taking that criticism is harsh but using it as a learning opportunity to really take the time and think is where there is a benefit in taking to heart what they were trying to express. Let’s get into the challenge that eliminated you. Why did you choose to make gnocchi, despite landing in the bottom with pasta dishes before? While I knew that I didn’t succeed at the two pasta dishes prior, the first thought that went through my head when the challenge was announced wasn’t another pasta dish. It was, “I make a variation of seasonal gnocchi all the time at my restaurant. How can I pull from that and create a dish within the realm of the challenge?” I pulled on different memories that then became too much for the concept that I was trying to execute. Can you elaborate on what happened with the sorghum flour in your recipe and Melissa’s struggles with making your gnocchi? While doing the online shopping at Whole Foods, I was searching for sorghum flour. Unfortunately, there was none available, so I went with whole sorghum, which I ground myself and used cups at the measurement. When I typed the recipe, it was written to use sorghum flour and not to grind whole sorghum into the flour. The weights of the two products are entirely different in a cup for cup measurement. What was your reaction when you saw how Melissa’s dish came out in comparison to yours? When I saw Melissa’s dish, I knew already the difference in the flour was what made things difficult. It was a hard recipe to read along and execute, and I knew that there was a major chance I would be going home after seeing her dish. Were you surprised to be eliminated over Byron and Jamie? I was not at all surprised that I was the one eliminated. I made some critical mistakes, and although the judges love the flavors of the romesco and dandelion greens, it wasn’t enough to hold me into the competition. You underwent a discovery of identity over your time on Top Chef. What did you ultimately learn about yourself as a person? I learned that I have a lot more fight and resilience in me than I thought I did. I now know there are limits that I can continue to push myself through and learn to take critique and grow from it. Finally, are there any links or recommendations on how to help the restaurant during this time, either for chefs or patrons? Personally, the best way is to visit www.greenleafmilford.com or www.culturenh.com and purchase gift cards which will continue to generate revenue while we remain open. Next, check out our interview with Sara Hauman, who was eliminated in this season’s Restaurant Wars.