What songs are on the To All The Boys: Always and Forever soundtrack?
“Beginning Middle End” – Leah Nobel"Run For Your Money" – The Greeting Committee"Dream Girl" – Anna of the North"On Fire Again" – Fletcher"Eat The Apples" – Suzi Wu"Beginning Middle End" – The Greeting Committee"Won’t Let Go" – Black Match"If the World Ended Tonight" – Jordan Suaste"Until We Leave the Ground" - Emmitt Fenn"17" - The Greeting Committee"Oh No (I Think Im In Love)" – Blossoms“In My Head” - Peter Manos“Unsung Songs”- Ages and Ages“The Same” - Ashe“Beginning Middle End (Always and Forever Mix)" - Leah Nobel
What is Peter and Lara Jean’s song?
Lara Jean hears a song while she’s in New York City that feels right to her, even though Peter isn’t with her in that moment. It’s “Beginning Middle End” by Leah Nobel. “We had to find ’their’ song and get a band within a week and a half to perform it, and we knew we wanted to bring it back for the end of the movie,” Wolfington tells Parade.com. “We’ve all been on this journey with them for three films and knew it had to be an amazing song. It couldn’t just be any song, it had to be their song. It’s beautiful.” Webb revealed the song was written for the film. “We even played with popular songs in that moment. There was no restriction on what that song could be, but we were excited that it was something original for the film.” Wolfington continued, “There’s not a lot of hopeful love songs when you think about it, so it’s all the ones you think that were tossed about. But then you’re like, ‘Then I think of this,’ or you have other associations with it. There’s a reason Etta James’ ‘At Last’ is always played at weddings. It’s more just, this song made sense for Peter and Lara Jean specifically.”
Peter suggested Lara Jean pick a song from What’s The Story Morning Glory by Oasis
Lara Jean wasn’t into it. “A lot of the moments in this film were based on the script, so we knew they were going to be looking for their song and that he needed to reference an album,” Webb explained. “We came to Oasis like, ‘OK, the 90s would be something Peter Kavinsky would know, but it’s just old enough that Lara Jean wouldn’t be familiar with them.’” She added, “We’re big Oasis fans, and it was a fun challenge to find a song to put into that montage while making his yearbook montage.”
When Peter and Lara Jean try to choose their song by chance, it lands on “Tutti Frutti”
“‘Tutti Frutti’ is kind of a fun one because it had to be ridiculous, it had to be a song that would play on a diner jukebox, and it had to be something insulting to a relationship or mean nothing to a relationship,” Wolfington said. “We’re not trying to make fun of Little Richard, it’s just in the context, it’s obviously not a love song. It just has zero romantic notion behind it. That one was in the script.”
What are some other songs in To All The Boys: Always and Forever?
“I Like Me Better” – Lauv"Fancy" – Iggy Azalea Feat. Charli XCX"Dancing in the Moonlight" – King Harvest"Wannabe" – Spice Girls"Wannabe" – Sandflower"Don’t Look Back in Anger" – Oasis
Lara Jean and her sisters do karaoke to Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX’s “Fancy” in Korea
“They filmed in Korea later on [in the shoot] and decided that the girls were going to do karaoke. We had a really quick turnaround, like four days, and we needed it to be karaoke-appropriate and popular,” Wolfington said of choosing that song. “The reference track was ‘All I Do Is Win,’ which had so many writers on it it was never going to clear in time.” Webb added, “And [‘Fancy’] is cute! You can picture all three sisters singing along to it.”
Lara Jean listens to “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls for a daydream sequence, then after she gets bad news
We had no idea “Wannabe” could be so sad. But when it comes to Lara Jean’s dreams of going to Stanford with Peter getting shattered, it makes sense. “In the process, you definitely get the script first, and I read the book so we knew what was coming—obviously there are some changes to make it work as a film. For that specific scene about the Spice Girls, our director Michael Fimognari asked if there was a song that was happy, and then sad. That was a new challenge for us to come up with off the top of our heads!” Webb said. “We don’t want to go with songs that other people have done. We were like, ‘OK, what cover songs are out there?’ I found Sandflower, the artist who covers the sad version. I think I found that first, and we were like, ‘Oh, that might be interesting as the happy version.’” Wolfington added, “When [Fimognari] brought that idea to us, I was taking a walk, and we were like, ‘What song would be an unexpected sad version?’ This is obviously everything Lara Jean wants if she gets into Stanford. We played around trying to find other songs and versions, but couldn’t find anything that topped Sandflower’s ‘Wannabe.’”
The New York City montage was set to “Eat the Apples” by Suzi Wu
“That scene was kind of a beast,” Webb revealed. “We finished filming this in the summer of 2019, pre-COVID, and we’ve been working on that scene up until December. We tried so many things and had so many artists write for that spot, and it’s a really important scene because it’s where Lara Jean falls in love with New York.” She continued, “We tried a dreamier vibe and also it was so nice to reminisce on NYC pre-COVID watching that scene! They wanted something gutsy, so we were like, ‘Oh OK!’ So we were trying to translate that and find gutsy songs.” Wolfington added, “There was a time when we were like, ‘Anyone have songs about New York? Send them to us!’ And ‘apples’ was a much more clever way to do that!” Need more tunes for your Valentine’s Day playlist? Check out our list of the 100 best love songs ever!