Until now, all we’ve known is that Rebecca and Miguel lost touch for around eight years after Miguel moved to Houston, before eventually reconnecting on Facebook. Of course, when Miguel and Rebecca parted ways, it was due in large part to Miguel’s guilt over his growing feelings for his best friend’s widow, making us wonder what finally allowed the two of them to be together. Fortunately, we should get answers soon. Here’s everything we learned from the promo for This Is Us Season 6, Episode 15, “Miguel.”
Is there a This Is Us Season 6 episode 15 promo preview?
“Okay, fine, I’ll bite. What’s your story?” a glasses-free and long-haired Rebecca asks Miguel at the start of the promo for episode 15 of This Is Us Season 6, as the two sit across from one another in a restaurant. We know from the Season 2 episode “The ’20s” that Rebecca’s hair was shoulder-length and graying, and that she was sporting glasses by the time she and Miguel reconnected in 2008, meaning that this scene must take place sometime before he moved to Houston in 2000, and maybe even before Jack died in 1998. Was this perhaps an early meeting of Rebecca and Miguel, with Jack’s best friend and his wife (or maybe even girlfriend) trying to get to know each other as the two most important people in Jack’s life? That answer will have to wait, because then we are treated to flashes of three young boys, including one that we assume is a pre-adolescent Miguel, followed by another short glimpse of the elderly Miguel we most recently saw at Kate’s wedding. “I’m just lost right now,” a middle-aged Miguel tells an elderly woman (his mother, perhaps?), who assures him, “I know you will find someone to love again.” And of course, we know she’s right, and we see him placing a sweater over a sleeping Rebecca before laying his head in her lap. “I’ve never felt at home,” Miguel says in a voiceover as we see him and his first wife bringing home a newborn baby and kissing, along with flashes of Miguel at different ages. “The first time I ever felt homesick in my life,” Miguel tells an older Rebecca as they sit across from one another in a different restaurant, “was when I left you on that porch.” This must be an encounter shortly after the Facebook message Rebecca sent Miguel in 2008, since he’s referring to their last Thanksgiving together, which we saw in Episode 7 of the current season.
What happened last week on This Is Us Season 6 episode 14?
In episode 14 of Season 6, This Is Us finally gave us an answer to the question viewers have been asking ever since we first spotted that wedding ring on Kevin‘s finger in the flash forward back in Season 4: Who does Kevin (Justin Hartley) marry? Turns out that for Kevin‘s entire life, even though he gets engaged three times and married twice, there is only one answer to this question (we think). In “The Night Before the Wedding,“ we see Kevin reconnect with his childhood sweetheart and ex-wife Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge), who comes to attend Kate’s (Chrissy Metz) wedding to Philip (Chris Geere). After the airline loses her luggage, Kevin volunteers to take Sophie shopping for an emergency wedding wardrobe, and their time together makes it clear to both of them that they still harbor deep feelings for one another. At first, it looks like things are still destined to not work out between them, even after Sophie admits to Kevin that she is no longer married to her second husband. Although sparks fly between the former couple, Sophie slams on the brakes when she believes that Kevin still only sees her as the girl she once was, rather than the woman she is now. Kevin, for his part, suffers a bit of a romantic existential crisis following Sophie‘s rejection, in turns swearing off of love completely and making an ill-considered romantic overture toward his best friend, Cassidy (Jennifer Morrison), before realizing that Sophie is the one he really wants, and has really wanted all along. Fortunately, Sophie reaches the same conclusion on her own, and after Kate and Philip tie the knot, Sophie and Kevin share a passionate kiss, which is applauded by Kevin’s entire family. While we still don’t know for sure that the two will eventually tie the knot, it seems less likely at this point that they won’t, meaning that we expect Sophie to make her debut at the future cabin sometime soon.
Are there any This Is Us spoilers for Episode 15, “Miguel?”
In an interview with TV Insider, Huertas revealed that he was “really happy” about Miguel’s long-awaited episode, saying, “It’s diving deep into Miguel’s history. It’s going way back. There’s a lot of authenticity in this episode.” Huertas himself was able to contribute to that sense of authenticity, getting involved in telling Miguel’s story not just in front of the camera, but behind it, too. “The show allowed me to come into the writers’ room and help break the episode. I was able to share a lot of emotional footnotes in my life to help tell Miguel’s story,” Huertas shared. “They [invited] me to go find a director for the episode, too.” That director turned out to be Zetna Fuentes, who, like Huertas, is a Puerto Rican from New York. With Huertas’ input, the producers also made sure to hire Puerto Rican actors to play Miguel’s family, in an effort to be “as authentic as possible.” As Huertas noted, “They [helped] honor the truth of who I am as a person, who I am as an actor, and who Miguel is.” As far as the plot of “Miguel,” Huertas teased, “We’ll definitely see Jack and a much younger Miguel. He’ll be much younger. We’ll actually see Miguel before he met the Pearsons. We’re going to see a lot of Miguel’s family.” Next, here’s everything we know about the This Is Us series finale.