There will also be a primetime celebration with a look back at how the show became the No. 1-rated daytime series, recounting the biggest winners, featuring never before seen outtakes, and a salute to Bob Barker, who hosted the series for 35 years. “First, I want to say congratulations and thank you to all the wonderful people responsible, past and present, on the 50th season of The Price Is Right," said Barker. “The show has the most enthusiastic and fun audience that one could ever ask for. They truly were and are the heart and soul of the show. I had the pleasure of working with a dedicated and talented cast and crew for 35 great years. Particularly close to my heart was the ability our vast popularity gave me to remind our entire audience daily about the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. It was an incredibly memorable ride! Once again, congratulations to The Price Is Right on 50 historic years!! Here’s to 50 more!!” And fans will be able to take part in the celebration, COVID-safe from their homes, by submitting a video to talking about what The Price Is Right means to them. More information is in the Tweet below. On Barker’s retirement, Drew Carey took over the reins as host in July 2007, and he is just as enthusiastic about the gig as Barker: “Hosting The Price is Right has been a dream job for me," Carey says. “And I can’t even call it a job with a straight face because I get such joy out of it. Imagine spending every workday surrounded by happy, positive strangers. It’s been amazing. I really never thought my safe space would be on a sound stage, wearing a mic, cameras on me constantly, and with millions of people watching. But that’s what The Price Is Right is for me. I love it.”

The Price Is Right Facts

  1. More than 68,000 contestants have been told to “Come on down!”
  2. More than $300 million in cash and prizes has been given away.
  3. The big wheel has been spun more than 63,000 times.
  4. The show has given away more than 8,400 cars; the most expensive was an Audi R8 worth $157,300. The first was a Chevrolet Vega worth $2,746.
  5. In 1998, Studio 33 at CBS Television City was renamed “Bob Barker Studio” in honor of the 5,000th episode and for original host BobBarker’s achievements on the show. Barker retired in 2007 after 35 years of hosting.
  6. The biggest winner in the daytime version of The Price Is Right won a total of $262,743 in cash and prizes. The biggest winner in the prime-time version of the show won a total of $1,153,908 in cash and prizes.
  7. The Price Is Right was originally only a half-hour long. The show didn’t expand to an hour in length until 1975. The Showcase Showdown (with the big wheel) was not a part of the show until its expansion to an hour.
  8. More than 9,300 episodes of The Price Is Right have been taped.
  9. More than 2 million audience members have been to the studio to see a taping of The Price Is Right in person.
  10. The show premiered September 4, 1972, on CBS.
  11. On two occasions, a 99-year-old has been called to come on down—the oldest age of any contestant.
  12. All contestants must be at least 18 years old—numerous contestants are tied for that record, having come on down on the day of their 18th birthday.
  13. The first pricing game to ever be played was Any Number. It offered the aforementioned Chevrolet Vega.
  14. There have been 108 pricing games played over the history of the show, 79 of which are still in the active rotation today.
  15. In 1980, two years before she’d flip letters on Wheel of Fortune, VannaWhite took a turn as a contestant on The Price Is Right. Next, These Are the Winningest Game Show Contestants of All Tim

The Price is Right Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary  2021  - 40The Price is Right Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary  2021  - 49