Read on to find out everything we know about Survivor season 42, including when the new season premieres, who is in the cast and much more.

Who was voted out of Survivor 42?

Episode 1

In a rarely-seen move, host and executive producer Jeff Probst stopped by for a one-on-one chat with Jackson Fox. There, he revealed the hospital transport worker had not disclosed the lithium medication he had recently weaned himself off of right before starting the show. Due to the possible health liabilities that came from stopping the medication, and its exaggerated effects in the starvation and conditions of Survivor, Probst said Jackson would be removed from the game. Zach Wurtenberger’s passion for Survivor was palpable throughout his three days in the game, even filling in Probst quotes for the veteran host. But his weakness in the first Immunity Challenges had the rest of the tribe looking in his direction. Zach hoped he was protected by his “skinny guy” alliance with Romeo, as well as the paranoia towards Tori for her idol hunting. But he played the “Shot in the Dark” advantage to guarantee his safety, which failed. Zach lost his vote, and became the first person in Survivor history to get every single vote at a Tribal Council.

Episode 2

Marya Sherron came to Survivor to find closure for her brother’s sudden death. Unfortunately, her own game’s closure came only five days into the season. Faced with their first Tribal Council, the Taku tribe had a tough decision to make between the energetic Maryanne and the less erratic Marya. Ultimately, they decided to move forward with the former. Marya even had a sense it was coming, playing and failing on her Shot in the Dark.

Episode 3

Jenny Kim thought she was in a relatively safe position going into her first Tribal Council, believing she had the votes of her ally Mike along with Chanelle and Daniel. But part of the issue was Mike and Chanelle both did not have votes. Though Chanelle attempted to create a split vote to get Lydia out, the vote ended up deadlocked between her and Jenny. And when Hai stood his ground, happy to go to rocks for his ally, Daniel changed his vote to avoid the random draw, sending Jenny out.

Episode 4

Though the “vibe of the tribe” was off, Swati Goel felt in a good spot on Ika, being in tight alliances with nearly everyone. But that’s the very thing that got her in trouble. Her tribemates began to realize she had deals with them all. And when she was accused of being the one to corral votes against Drea, she was sent out by the majority, despite putting up an admirable fight against Tori at Tribal Council.

Episode 5

Lawyer Daniel Strunk had two very different experiences in his time on Survivor 42. Despite getting an injury in the beginning, he found himself in one of the most powerful positions on the tribe as part of a pair with Chanelle. But a wild Tribal Council caused things to go awry, as Daniel flipped his vote and blamed Chanelle for leading him astray. Despite doing damage control in the aftermath, the next Vati vote had him and Chanelle on the chopping block. And in the end, the majority felt his lack of trustworthiness was enough to get rid of him just before merge.

Episodes 6 and 7

Waitress Lydia Meredith had a majority alliance served up to her when the tribes merged, and she seemed poised to be in for the long-haul. But Rocksroy’s decision to reverse the outcome of the challenge made her vulnerable, and the people they were eyeing as targets safe. Lydia and several other people took aim at Jonathan for being a physical threat, which Omar used as ammo to prove she’d turn on their new alliance. As a result, Lydia was blindsided in a very scattered vote.

Episode 8

Chanelle Howell caused a lot of chaos in her Vati tribe throughout the premerge. So when it came time for the game to turn individual, her closest allies didn’t have the trust to want to keep her. Despite her attempts to remain calm and let Romeo bury himself, her past vendetta with Mike won the day.

Episode 9

Even when the voting pool got reduced in half, Rocksroy Bailey thought the vote was as straightforward as his gameplay. But his personality and rigidness made him less appealing to work with than Romeo. As a result, he was taken out by the alliance of men he had suggested get together earlier that day. Tori Meehan spent her time in Fiji in constant scramble mode, surviving her time on the bottom from the very beginning through throwing the target onto other tribe members and a couple of clutch immunity wins. And even this round, she was initially not seen as the vote, as Jonathan wanted to try to blindside Drea. But when Drea and Maryanne both played their idols, it forced everyone to put their votes onto Tori. And when her Shot in the Dark failed, her nine lives were finally up.

Episode 10

Hai Giang was sitting high coming into Day 18, feeling he had control over the game. Unfortunately, that was something everyone else was picking up on as well. Due to a combination of seeing him as a threat, feeling they were being told what to do, and the advantage amulet sitting in his pocket, Hai became the target of the entire tribe. He went out beaming from his blindside, thrilled at the game he played despite it stopping short.

Episode 11

Drea Wheeler was the biggest threat remaining in the game, and absolutely everyone knew it. She not only had power and likability, but several advantages to her name. And after Lindsay survived the “Do or Die,” she knew she was next up on the chopping block. She hoped she could use her “Knowledge is Power” advantage to hoodwink Mike out of his idol. But the firefighter got the last laugh, as he was tipped off ahead of time and gave his idol away. That being said, everyone was laughing, including Drea herself, at her lighthearted and energetic exit.

Episode 12

Exotic animal vet Omar Zaheer had been playing a clinical game up to this point. He was able to build tight relationships with basically everyone, and utilized his social capital to help get rid of the biggest threats. But that quickly moved him onto the radar of the others as his own threat. Seeing how powerful he had become, Maryanne hatched a tricky maneuver to take out her former Taku tribemate. Despite some pushback and the looming threat of idols, she successfully blindsided Omar using her extra vote and fellow outsider Romeo.


After losing a crucial challenge, Lindsay Dolashewich was voted out for being the biggest threat left. Then the season’s provider Jonathan Young was surprisingly eliminated in the fire making challenge.

Who won Survivor 42?

Maryanne Oketch is of the most unique characters in Survivor history, having a talkative and bubbly personality that her her fellow players and Jeff Probst often times in stitches. Through that she was able to craft an unassuming perception, until it was the right time to strike. In organizing the votes against Omar, she made a crucial move that set herself up to be guaranteed to sit in the Final 3. And once she got there, her explanation of weaponizing her reputation and advantages gave her a resounding near-unanimous win. Mike Turner finished second with one jury vote, while Romeo Escobar was shut out in third place.

Survivor 42 Exit Interviews

Every week, will speak with the castaway most recently voted off the island.Episode 1 – Jackson Fox Explains His Shocking and Unconventional Exit –Zach Wurtenberger on Taking the Shot in the Dark and Not Downplaying His SuperfandomEpisode 2 – Marya Sherron on Finding Closure and Learning Self-Care on the IslandEpisode 3 – Jenny Kim Breaks Down that Tribal Council ChaosEpisode 4 – Swati Goel on How Her Youth Hurt Her Game and Learning to Lose ControlEpisode 5 - Daniel Strunk on Rock Draw Drama and His ‘Painful’ Experience in the GameEpisodes 6 and 7 - Lydia Meredith Reacts to the Merge Chaos and Her Online FandomEpisode 8 - Chanelle Howell on Game-Ending Miscommunications and a ‘Double Standard’ in PerceptionEpisode 9 - Rocksroy Bailey Says He Was ‘Characterized As Something I’m Not’ –Tori Meehan Looks Back on a Season of ‘Messy Mistakes’Episode 10 - Hai Giang on His Surprising Final Three Plan and the Power of RepresentationEpisode 11 - Drea Wheeler on Unseen Moments and Pride in That Tribal Council DiscussionEpisode 12 - Omar Zaheer Reveals an Unseen Advantage That Led to His DownfallFinale - Winner Maryanne Oketch on That Epic Final Tribal Council and Winning for the ‘Weird People’ –Runner-Up Mike Turner Breaks Down the Jury Reaction and Playing with Honesty –Finalist Romeo Escobar on His Many Unseen Alliances and the Reaction to Coming Out on the Show –Jonathan Young Reacts to Comments on His Behavior –Lindsay Dolashewich on Her Amulet Misfire and Having ‘Blinders’ for Jonathan

When did Survivor season 42 start?

CBS announced in November 2021 that Survivor 42 will premiere on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Like season 41, season 42 had a two-hour premiere.

When is the finale of Survivor 42?

Survivor 42 aired its finale on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Like last season, it consisted of a two-hour episode followed by a reunion of the contestants right after the final votes are read.

When did Survivor season 42 film?

Filming for Survivor 42 is assumed to have begun in mid-May. Like season 41, it’s expected to have filmed for only 26 days, a marked departure from the 39 days in many seasons that came before. That means Survivor 42 filmed in May and June 2021.

Who is in the cast for Survivor 42?

The cast of Survivor 42 was announced on February 9, 2022.

Chanelle Howell

Chanelle Howell expects getting the numbers to be second nature, considering her work as an executive recruiter. The 29-year-old believes she has the “toolset” to win, with the drive, a strong work ethic, and professional success from building relationships. And she’s hoping her experience with “the sell” can give her plenty of things to buy with the million-dollar prize.

Daniel Strunk

Daniel Strunk could call himself a survivor since a young age, having battled leukemia as a child. And that experience has kept the 30-year-old law clerk humbled, in fact, even a bit self-deprecating. But perhaps his humility is just practice for how he intends to play: Goofy, not sneaky, and looking to spin his incredibly meticulous Survivor fandom into a winning game.

Drea Wheeler

Drea Wheeler has never been afraid to take a risk. After tragically losing her father at a young age, the fitness consultant has lived like there is no tomorrow, striking out to start her own business that has brought her great success. And the 35-year-old hopes to bring that to the beach, set on whooping her camp into shape and making sure there’s no drama.

Hai Giang

Data scientist Hai Giang has lived a life full of adversities. After immigrating with his parents from Vietnam, he grew up poor and lonely, finding solace on the screen by traveling around the world with Survivor. And he brings that independence into the game, with no intention of sticking to long-term allegiances–or even his original tribe.

Jackson Fox

It was a dare years ago that started a series of events that landed Jackson Fox on the beaches of Fiji. The healthcare worker admits he’ll serve as a fly on the wall in the first few days at camp, and credits transitioning later in life in a Southern Baptist town to face any adversity. And even though the 48-year-old considers himself a softie with animals, any humans who find themselves in his way better watch out.

Jenny Kim

If Jenny Kim, 43, is looking for change, she’s about to get a heap of it in the twist-filled world of Survivor. The creative designer has been identified as a shark in the past, and hopes to use her leadership experience to direct some fish in the form of the other contestants. But she also touts her social game, believing her warmth and innate trustworthiness will make her underestimated until it’s too late.

Jonathan Young

Jonathan Young, 29, is no stranger to endurance, considering his participation on the Survivor-like reality series of the same name when he was 14. The beach service company owner acknowledges his physical presence, and he’s hoping to present himself as a friendly asset to his tribe. But this beach has a shadier side, and he’s ready to fill his time on the island with chaos and troublemaking.

Lindsay Dolashewich

Dietitian Lindsay Dolashewich considers herself very well-balanced when it comes to Survivor. The 31-year-old runs a business of counseling people from different walks of life, believing her skills of convincing others to take risks will carry over. And she’s hoping to be joined by alliance members who are just as outgoing, spunky, and straightforward as she is.

Lydia Meredith

Lydia Meredith is a waitress, actress, and bartender, so it’s safe to say she knows something about a resume. Though one of the younger cast members, the 22-year-old has proven her independence from an early age, moving cross-country by herself. And she’s hoping to use that youth to her advantage, becoming everyone’s little sister before she takes a chainsaw to the family tree.

Marya Sherron

Marya Sherron is on a personal journey in the islands of the South Pacific. After tragically losing her brother to COVID in 2020, she pushed herself to live life to its peak. But the 47-year-old is relying on her experience as a teacher and a mother to hopefully not come across as a real threat. And she’ll be looking to work with those that are hoping to get as much out of this adventure as she is.

Maryanne Oketch

Maryanne Oketch is here to prove that the “weird kids” can succeed on Survivor. The 24-year-old hopes to weaponize her bubbliness, though she warns her talkative nature may be a double-edged sword. And though this 26-day adventure will constantly keep her on her toes, the seminary student feels grounded and prepared through her unwavering faith.

Mike Turner

Mike Turner feels he’s been playing Survivor since he was five years old, using his street smarts to learn how to act in any situation. Despite his gruff exterior, the 58-year-old prides himself on being nice, to the point where he has difficulty saying no. But he hopes his voice will serve dominant in both volume and strategy, making the retired firefighter responsible for extinguishing many torches along the way.

Omar Zaheer

Survivor has been compared to a monster, a feral creature. And there’s no one better to tame it than exotic animal vet Omar Zaheer. The 31-year-old hopes to use his lack of outdoor experience to lower his threat level to the competition. But he’s planning to play much like the animals he treats on a daily basis: Camouflaged, observant, and a sharp-clawed predator.

Rocksroy Bailey

Rocksroy Bailey would be the first to tell you that he doesn’t like being in the limelight. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t ready to play, hoping a career of environmental consulting will allow him to appeal to many castaway clients and build a portfolio. And considering the 44-year-old lives in Las Vegas and has the word “rocks” in his name, it’s safe to say he’s willing to make a gamble or two for that million-dollar cashout.

Romeo Escobar

Romeo Escobar comes to Survivor with a story that even Shakespeare couldn’t structure better. Immigrating to the U.S. at a young age and growing up in a bad neighborhood conditioned the 37-year-old to survival and adversity. He’s risen from humble beginnings to working with Olympic athletes and beauty queens, and the pageant coach is hoping to get his own Survivor sash as the winner of season 42.

Swati Goel

Swati Goel is this season’s youngest contestant at 19 years old. But she’s already lived a storied life, coming to Survivor mere days after finishing her initial training for the Army National Guard. The Harvard student is unsure which part of her will come out in the battlefield of Fiji, but one thing is clear: She’s not playing scared.

Tori Meehan

As a therapist, Tori Meehan is used to being a source of comfort and companionship. But now the 25-year-old plans to weaponize her vast amounts of psychological knowledge, down to making strategic choices about what colors she’s wearing in the pregame. And despite having a “crazy and loud” persona off the couch, she’s hoping to keep that under wraps enough to take home the win for her and her family of Survivor superfans.

Zach Wurtenberger

Zach Wurtenberger considers himself a student, both educationally and of Survivor. The 22-year-old is as old as the show proper, and hopes his wide-eyed wonder at making a lifelong dream come true will lower his threat level. Then he can swoop it at the end and use his speech and debate experience to craft a compelling closing argument to get him the million-dollar check.

What are the tribes for Survivor 42?

The tribes were revealed on Survivor’s Twitter page on February 9.

Ika Tribe

The Ika tribe, which will always wear blue, consists of: –Drea Wheeler, a 35-year-old fitness consultant from Montreal, Quebec –Rocksroy Bailey, a 44-year-old stay-at-home dad from Las Vegas, NV –Romeo Escobar, a 37-year-old pageant coach from Norwalk, CA –Swati Goel, a 19-year-old Ivy League student from Palo Alto, CA –Tori Meehan, a 25-year-old therapist from Rogers, AR –Zach Wurtenberger, a 22-year-old student from St. Louis, MO

Taku Tribe

The Taku tribe, which will always wear orange, consists of: –Jackson Fox, a 48-year-old healthcare worker from Houston, TX –Jonathan Young, a 29-year-old beach service co. owner from Gulf Shores, AL –Lindsay Dolashewich, a 31-year-old dietitian from Asbury Park, NJ –Marya Sherron, a 47-year-old stay-at-home mom from Noblesville, IA –Maryanne Oketch, 24-year-old seminary student from Ajax, Ontario –Omar Zaheer, a 31-year-old exotic animal veterinarian from Whitby, Ontario

Vati Tribe

The Vati tribe, which will always wear green, consists of: –Chanelle Howell, a 29-year-old executive recruiter from New York, NY –Daniel Strunk, a 30-year-old law clerk from New Haven, CT –Hai Giang, a 29-year-old data scientist from New Orleans, LA –Jenny Kim, a 43-year-old creative director from Brooklyn, NY –Lydia Meredith, a 22-year-old waitress from Santa Monica, CA –Mike Turner, a 58-year-old retired firefighter from Hoboken, NJ

What is the Survivor diversity news?

In June 2019, inspired by the events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement and discussions around anti-racist practices, a group of Black Survivor alumni spoke up about their experiences and difficulties they faced as minorities on the show. Known as the “Soul Survivors Organization” and consisting of contestants from seasons 1 to 40, they released a widely-circulated petition that calls upon the show to institute several anti-racist initiatives, including casting BIPOC for at least 30% of each cast, hiring more BIPOC as part of the crew, and actively supporting the cast, including mental health resources following the season. “The entire culture is in a beautiful upheaval,” Probst says about the petition, “and our job is to respond to it to make sure that Survivor continues to reflect our culture and our behavior and how we’re interacting with each other. Everything that’s happening is going to inform the future of Survivor.” As a result of the initiative, CBS announced in November 2020 that it would be instituting new rules for its unscripted shows in the pursuit of increased diversity. That includes a requirement for at least 50% of every show’s cast to be contestants who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), as well as allocating a minimum of 25% of its annual unscripted development budget to projects created or co-created by BIPOC producers.

Who won Survivor season 41?

Erika Casupanan smashed expectations to become the season 41 victor. Despite being up against some stiff competition all season long, she was able to go from the bottom to a position of power within a few chaotic votes, and the jury awarded her for her gameplay with a near-unanimous win. She is the first woman to win a Survivor season since season 34 in 2017. And she becomes the first Canadian citizen to win the show, only one season after applications were open to our neighbor to the north.

What happened to Dan on Survivor?

In a positive stand for the #MeToo movement, contestant Dan Spilo was removed from the game due to multiple incidents involving unwanted touching.

How many seasons of Survivor are there?

Survivor premiered on May 31, 2000 and has aired a spring and fall season each year until fall 2020, picking back up in 2021. There are 41 completed seasons of Survivor, comprised of 609 episodes.

Where was Survivor season 42 filmed?

Season 42 was filmed in the Mamanuca Islands in Fiji. The show has been filming in that location since its 33rd season in 2016.

How do I watch Survivor season 42?

Survivor airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. Episodes are made available the next day via the Paramount Plus app.

What time does Survivor come on?

Survivor airs in its usual time slot at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT on Wednesdays on CBS.

Is Survivor on Netflix?

Game-changing reality series Survivor is on Netflix. But don’t expect to binge re-runs of all 41 seasons. Netflix seems to only be streaming two seasons a year. Currently available are Survivor: Micronesia — Fans vs. Favorites (Season 16) and Survivor: David vs. Goliath (Season 37).

Is Survivor on Paramount Plus?

Jeff Probst’s 2020 appearance in a Super Bowl commercial for Paramount Plus gave us a hint of the joy that would come soon: All 41 seasons of Survivor are now available for streaming on Paramount+!

How to watch Survivor online?

If you really want to watch all 41 seasons, you’ll need to stream them on Paramount+.

Is there a sneak peek trailer for Survivor 42?

Of course! Read why Survivor announced new harassment policies after shocking scandal.

Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 66Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 6Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 62Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 37Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 99Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 60Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 48Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 81Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 81Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 49Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 15Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 91Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 53Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 20Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 23Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 96Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 51Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 14Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 59Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 85Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 32Survivor Season 42  2022  Start Date  New Cast  Location  Theme  Spoilers  News - 43