The New York Times recently reported on two studies that each examine the relationship between exercise and longevity. According to the data, walking about 7,000-8,000 steps, or engaging in about 30-45 minutes of exercise such as jogging, swimming or biking, correlates with living a longer life. Correlates by how much, you might ask? “The right types and amounts of physical activity reduce the risk of premature death by as much as 70 percent,” Gretchen Reynolds writes of the data. That’s nothing to sneeze at. Interestingly, both studies also report a seeming plateau that occurs in people who get over 10,000 steps—a number that likely sounds familiar to devoted step counters, indicating that there was no difference in results in those who were taking more than 8,000 steps. In fact, according to some of the data, it is reported that for those who engaged in high levels of activity, more than 10 hours a week, the benefits actually declined.

Should you scale back on exercise goals?

But before you change your daily goals and give up on your current workout routine, Dr. Tamanna Singh, MD, co-director of Sports Cardiology Center at the Cleveland Clinic, tells Parade these findings, while interesting, should be taken with a grain of salt. While she confirms the findings are in line with findings that “consistent exercise, specifically the inclusion of exercise or intentional physical activity contributes to overall mortality benefits, improved cardiovascular health and reduction in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular outcomes (things like a heart attack or stroke),” she hesitates to go so far as to say that less is more when it comes to working out—especially for the average person who is not a competitive or professional athlete. “So many people are incredibly inactive and sedentary already,” she says. “Most studies assessing exercise dose and risk of illness or cardiovascular mortality are observational, and the actual cause and effect between higher levels of intentional physical activity and mortality is still relatively unknown. To pose a cap on exercise provides a means for individuals to limit themselves and their physical capabilities based on a few studies.”

Do your best to move whenever you can

When it comes to a takeaway from this study, Singh says that you should do your best to get activity in when you can, whatever way you can—and know that even a little bit is probably making a difference. “Your heart does not care what you do, nor can it tell what type of exercise you are doing, so I typically counsel on choosing an activity that individuals enjoy and can sustain for 30-45 minutes most days of the week: Biking, walking, rowing, jogging/running, skiing, elliptical, swimming, are just a few modalities, “she says, adding,  “I am a huge advocate for implementing intentional physical activity and working towards augmenting your fitness to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.” Fair enough. Next, 101 Best Fitness and Workout Quotes to Keep You Motivated


Dr. Tamanna Singh, Co-Director Sports Cardiology Center, Cleveland ClinicThe New York Times: “How Much Exercise Do We Need to Live Longer?”  Research Says This Is How Much You Should Exercise If You Want to Live Longer - 26