Two Republican senators were surprised to receive personal calls from the Duchess of Sussex lobbying them to vote for the 1.75 trillion bill currently proposed by House Democrats, which includes paid parental leave. West Virginia senator Shelley Moore Capito said she was driving in her car when she received a call from a blocked caller ID. And the voice on the other end of the line said, “This is Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.” Meanwhile, Maine senator Susan Collins was in the gym when she received a call. Meghan urged both politicians to vote for the bill that would make four weeks’ paid family and medical leave available to workers. Sen. Collins said, “Much to my surprise, she called me on my private line and she introduced herself as the Duchess of Sussex, which is kind of ironic,” adding that she “was happy to talk with her, but I’m more interested in what the people of Maine are telling me about it.” Last week Meghan gave $25 Starbucks gift cards to those who work for the nonprofit PL+US, whose aim is to win “paid family and medical leave for everyone”, describing itself as a “movement for an America where family comes first.” The duchess’s sweet gesture—which came through the Sussexes’ own charitable foundation, Archewell—followed an open letter she penned to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in which she advocated “as a mom” for paid leave. She wrote, “People in our country work incredibly hard, and yet the ask is soft: for a level playing field to achieve their version of a common dream—what is fair, and equal, and right. Many of our economic systems are past their expiration date, and as you well know, too many Americans are forced to shortchange themselves when it comes to what matters to them.” Meghan then talked about the experience of giving birth to her and Prince Harry’s second child, Lilibet Diana: “In June, my husband and I welcomed our second child. Like any parents, we were overjoyed. Like many parents, we were overwhelmed. Like fewer parents, we weren’t confronted with the harsh reality of either spending those first few critical months with our baby or going back to work. “We knew we could take her home, and in that vital (and sacred) stage, devote any and everything to our kids and to our family.  We knew that by doing so we wouldn’t have to make impossible choices about childcare, work, and medical care that so many have to make every single day. “No family should be faced with these decisions. No family should have to choose between earning a living and having the freedom to take care of their child (or a loved one, or themselves, as we would see with a comprehensive paid leave plan).” She ended by saying, “On behalf of my family, Archie and Lili and Harry, I thank you for considering this letter, and on behalf of all families, I ask you to ensure this consequential moment is not lost.” Next up, Princess Nina of Greece and Denmark Wore Chanel and an Heirloom Tiara at her Wedding to Prince Philippos 

Republican Senators Receive Surprise Calls from Meghan Markle Lobbying for Paid Parental Leave - 30