If that’s you, relax: Vaginal acne—a.k.a. pimples of your vagina—happens with greater frequency than most people realize. “Vaginal acne is normal and common,” assures dermatologist Michele Green, M.D., an acne treatment specialist in New York City. “Acne is a skin condition that commonly appears on the face, chest and back because there is a higher distribution of sebaceous [oily] follicles, but it can occur anywhere on the body where there is a build-up of sebum and bacteria.” If you’re doing battle with a pimple situation below decks, here’s what you need to know to get in the clear, fast.

Why Pimples Occur on Your Vagina

A pimple can form on the external tissue of your vagina, known as your vulva and labia, anytime the skin pores in the area become clogged. “The vulva has sweat glands and hair follicles that are prone to dirt buildup just like any other area of the body with hair and sweat,” says women’s sexual health expert Sherry Ross, M.D., the Los Angeles-based author of She-ology, the She-quel. “Also, feminine hygiene routines such as shaving, waxing and lasering expose the hair follicles that can be prone to getting infected or blocked, causing acne, blackheads and ingrown hairs.” Strenuous exercise, like cycling and running, that leads to friction in the vaginal area may contribute to acne, as can tight clothing, obesity and hormonal changes, says Dr. Ross. “Sitting for long periods of time can also increase the likelihood of vulva, groin, inner thigh and buttock acne,” she adds.

Causes of Vaginal Acne and Other Vaginal Bumps

While clogged pores or inflamed hair follicles are the trigger for pimples to form on your vagina (also called vulvar acne), how that clogging or inflammation comes about can vary. These are some of the more common causes of vaginal acne or other types of vaginal bumps.

Contact dermatitis: As the name implies, contact dermatitis happens when your skin (in this case, skin around your vagina) comes in contact with certain materials or substances that produce an itchy rash. “Skin irritants can include unfriendly vaginal fragrant soaps, bubble baths, dyes, sanitary pads, clothing and chemicals,” says Dr. Ross.

Folliculitis: Folliculitis occurs when a pubic hair follicle becomes infected and inflamed, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Technically, folliculitis is different than acne, since “folliculitis involves the hair follicle so there is always a hair involved, whereas with acne there is not,” says Dr. Ross. But the end result is similar: “Folliculitis can turn into a skin boil.”

Hidradenitis suppurativa: This is a skin disease that occurs in hair follicles and sweat glands. “Hidradenitis suppurativa is characterized by painful cysts in the vaginal area,” says Dr. Green. While hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a medical condition in its own right, research suggests HS and vaginal acne may share common roots: In a recent study by researchers at the French Society of Dermatology, women with vaginal acne were also more likely to have HS than the general public.

Hormonal shifts: In one recent small study in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, about 60% of patients with vulvar acne experienced a worsening of symptoms around the time of menstruation.

Molluscum contagiosum: These are genital growths triggered by a viral infection. “Molluscum contagiosum is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and from sharing infected towels or clothing,” says Dr. Ross. The virus causes small, painless papules that may be white or light pink in color, adds Dr. Green. A small dimple often forms on the top of each bump.

Sex: “Sex can trigger acne and rashes of the vulva if there is any skin trauma,” says Dr. Ross. “Vaginal dryness during intimacy can also cause a vulva rash and irritation.”

Skin tags: These are small flaps of skin that form in areas of friction. “They are characterized by small pieces of hanging skin that are usually greater than 3 mm in size and not painful,” says Dr. Green.

What Vaginal Pimples Look Like

“Vaginal acne looks the same as acne on other areas of the body,” says Dr. Green. “It can take the form of blackheads, whiteheads and cysts.” It is likely to appear on the vulva or areas near the external vulva genitalia, adds Dr. Ross: “You’ll find it in areas, including the inner thighs, where there is more pressure applied to this delicate and sensitive part of the body.” Vaginal acne looks different than the sexually transmitted disease known as genital herpes (caused by the herpes simplex virus), which initially appears as blisters that then break and turn into painful sores, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Genital herpes may be red, yellow, or white in color,” says Dr. Green. “It is typically painful and characterized by the grouping of lesions.” Meanwhile, you can tell the blackheads or whiteheads of vaginal acne from the human papillomavirus (a.k.a. genital warts) because those have a skin-colored or white bump-like appearance in the vaginal area, Dr. Green adds. “They commonly look like small cauliflower florets that may appear as a singular wart or a grouping,” she says.

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Pimples

Because vaginal acne is directly correlated with irritation or follicular inflammation, the easiest route to treating it is simply avoiding what caused it in the first place. That means making sure that the skin around your pubic area is cleaned before and after any kind of hair removal process, whether you shave, wax or use a laser. In fact, if you frequently experience pimples on your vagina, you might consider giving pubic hair removal a rest for a while. A study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that 60% of women who remove their pubic hair experience complications, and the number one complication is ingrown hairs and pimples. Also, “the bathroom can be a reservoir for bacteria, so it is absolutely necessary to clean or replace bathroom items (like razors) weekly,” says Dr. Ross. Other tips for getting rid of acne:

Use a loofah on the skin after any kind of hair removal to help prevent acne and ingrown hairs during the regrowth process. Swap your scented lotion and soap for unscented antibacterial versions for the genital area to protect against acne and rashes.Wash your hands before touching any female-related body parts or beauty tools.Use an anti-acne cream or exfoliate gently around the vulva.Shave by running the blade in the direction of hair growth.

If these strategies aren’t doing the trick, it’s time to see a dermatologist. “Topical or oral antibiotics may be necessary to effectively treat vaginal acne,” says Dr. Green, adding that an experienced dermatologist may be able to manually extract the acne lesions. “And if there is an ingrown hair, it will need to be extracted by a dermatologist.” If you are prone to ingrown hairs, she adds, laser hair removal may be the preferred method to avoid developing folliculitis in the bikini area. Recurrent or severe vaginal acne may require another step in medication to treat it. A study in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology found that anti-androgen (hormonal) therapy alleviated symptoms in most women.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Acne

Step number one for DIY vaginal pimple pain relief? Keep things clean down there. “Between urine, sweat and being so close to the anus, cleaning the vulva regularly is critical to prevent dirty bacterial buildup in clogged skin pores which could lead to acne,” says Dr. Ross. You can also apply a warm compress to the area to ease any pain, followed by a cool compress to reduce inflammation, suggests Dr. Green. Or consider taking a warm sitz bath with extra virgin coconut oil. “This may relieve vulva swelling, pain, irritation or itching,” says Dr. Ross. (Not familiar with sitz baths? These are shallow bowls that you can sit in to cleanse or soothe your bottom or genital area. You can find them for sale at most medical supply stores, but you don’t need to buy one: filling your bathtub with enough water to cover your hips while sitting will do the trick.) Other home hacks include showering after every workout or anytime you get sweaty and wearing loose clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton to prevent moisture from collecting in your vaginal area, which can trigger an acne outbreak. Finally, fight the urge to pop or squeeze pimples, cautions Dr. Green. “Popping pimples in this area can spread bacteria and cause an infection,” she says. “The infection can worsen and affect the body systemically.” So don’t do it.

Can You Get Cystic Acne On Your Vagina?

Cystic acne refers to a particular type of inflammatory acne that develops after bacteria gets inside the pores and causes inflammation. This leads to painful pimples that form under the skin surface, per the Cleveland Clinic. “These are pus-filled lesions that develop deep below the surface of the skin,” says Dr. Green. “They appear as a red bump on the surface that is often painful and large in size.” Although it is more common on the face or back than your vagina, cystic acne can occur in the genital area if there are clogged pores. Cystic acne shouldn’t be confused with vaginal cysts—lumps or bumps on the vagina that are filled with air, mucus or pus. They are not usually dangerous but can be painful. There are several types of vaginal cysts, according to the Cleveland Clinic:

Inclusion cysts: These are the most common type of vaginal cysts and appear as small bumps on the wall of the vagina. Inclusion cysts form after some type of trauma, such as childbirth or surgery.

Bartholin’s gland cysts: These pus-filled cysts form at the opening of the vagina and occur when the Bartholin glands, which secrete vaginal lubrication, get clogged.

Gartner’s duct cysts: The Gartner’s duct is an organ found in fetuses that typically disappears before a baby is born. If the duct remains present, it can lead to the development of cysts on the vaginal wall later in life.

Müllerian cysts: These ducts are also present during fetal development and leftover material can begin to grow on the vaginal walls later in life.

Whether you have vaginal cysts, cystic acne or basic pimples on your vagina, the advice remains the same: If they don’t go away in a week or two, or if they disappear but keep coming back, it’s time to see your doctor for a vaginal health checkup. Embarrassing? A little, sure. But your health comes first. “It is important to stay on top of acne lesions in the vaginal area to prevent serious bacterial infections from occurring,” says Dr. Green. Up next: Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation
