Over the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the “domino effect” metaphor to life. As it turns out, there are a lot more ailments and problems that have resulted from the pandemic apart from the virus itself. Dr. Luana Marques, Director of Community Psychiatry PRIDE at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) has seen the pandemic impact people in a variety of mental and physical ways. She cites several studies that point to other epidemics that have arisen in the past year. One from the New England Journal of Medicine says that intimate partner violence has grown exponentially, but has a caveat—victims are unable to contact domestic-violence hotlines because their partners are always home. According to Feeding America, more than 50 million people may experience food insecurity, meaning they’re not sure if they will be able to put the next meal on the table. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in December that in the 12 months ending in May 2020, over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred, which only accelerated with the pandemic. Paraskevi Noulas, PsyD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, at NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine, agrees that the effects of the pandemic have been extensive. She says, “The impacts of the pandemic and how far-reaching they are is an important illustration of how indirect factors affect our mental and physical health. Our individual health is impacted by society and the world at large.” Read on to discover some of the surprising ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has altered our overall health.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Philip Junglas, MD, an internist and primary care provider with Cleveland Clinic, has seen an uptick in gastrointestinal events during the pandemic, primarily caused by changes in diet, activity level, and stress. His patients have complained about constipation, worsened irritable bowel disease, and an increase in reflux and indigestion “from stomach inflammation due to increased food intake and stress response,” he says.


Quite literally, the pandemic has been keeping people up at night. Dr. Noulas says, “Our sleep routines, sleep hygiene, and sleep windows, or how long we sleep consistently at night, have been greatly disrupted during the pandemic.” She lists various reasons that are currently causing insomnia, including changes in daily routines, a decrease in activity and exercise, and an increase in stress, anxiety, depression, and/or other mental health stressors. “In order to sleep, and sleep well,” she says, “our sleep drive has to be high enough so our body falls asleep naturally and can sustain sleep throughout the night. If we’re primarily sitting around all day, barely moving, barely leaving home, there’s less of a drive for sleep because we haven’t exerted our bodies enough to ‘need’ sleep as consistently. Or, if lack of activity isn’t the primary reason for sleep issues, then mental health stressors are likely culprits.”  

Brain fog

Dr. Marques notes that many people may be experiencing what’s called “brain fog.” She explains, “Brain fog is part of our biological response to threatening situations. Our brain is searching for signs of threat by jumping from one thing to the next and filtering out any information unrelated to the threat. This process can make it difficult for us to focus and concentrate.”

Ergonomic issues

With the influx of people working from home (and the inability to call your company’s trusty ergonomics expert to tweak your desk chair), you might be feeling a bit out of whack. “Low back and neck pain and carpal tunnel have been frequent complaints,” Dr. Junglas says. “Laptops and most home computers are usually not as ergonomically organized in the home where OSHA requirements don’t exist. And couches often have lousy lumbar support.”

Weight gain

Since many gyms are still closed, individuals may find themselves working out a lot less these days. Also, pandemic-related depression can make it tough to get motivated. Dr. Noulas points to a lack of exercise and poor diet as things that can lead to weight gain and orthopedic issues. “Here we have many interrelated issues that feed off each other,” she says. “Now, in order to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and proper nutrition, it takes extra conscious effort, drive, and planning.”

Increased falls

When it comes to falls, Dr. Junglas has witnessed an increase throughout the pandemic, particularly in his elderly patients. “Some became quickly forgetful and had more falls,” he says.

Joint pain

If you’re not one to stretch or move a lot during the day, especially now that you’re working from home, you might be feeling an increase in general aches and pains. “Use of a joint promotes the synovial fluid and cartilage in a positive way,” Dr. Junglas says. “It also keeps muscles and the nervous system finely tuned. Reduced activity is a challenge for many due to the natural incidence of arthritis in the population. Moving all joints regularly is a proven way to slow down and minimize these events.”

Chronic stress

Stress has been a very real part of our lives throughout the course of 2020 and now into 2021. This can result in something called chronic stress, which is a more severe version of the brief, small stressors you may come across in your day. Dr. Marques explains: “Chronic stress can be thought of as prolonged activation of our limbic system, or our fight or flight stress response. Living in a constant, heightened state means our bodies are regularly releasing hormones and are more physiologically active. This increased physiological activity can negatively impact immune system function and mental health.”

Dry eyes

Dr. Junglas says dry eyes have been more common during the pandemic. He suspects that it’s “a mixture of more screen time and work at home.”

Increased substance use

With the rise in stress and worsened mental health disorders, substance abuse has gone up along with it. “Not surprisingly, we’re seeing people turn to vices such as alcohol, nicotine, and drugs as a way to find some false respite from the pandemic,” Dr. Noulas says. “What ends up happening of course is that this only makes their situation worse physically, emotionally, and financially. Mental health and substance use treatment programs are overwhelmed by the influx of patients seeking care, and we know that this doesn’t even capture the number of people who truly need care but are not able to or choose not to seek care at this time.”  

Home accidents

Since many everyday accidents occur in the home, it’s no wonder that during quarantine, people have undergone increased accidents. “In my experience, general home accidents have included cuts off the hand in the kitchen and broken toes on the furniture,” Dr. Junglas shares. “There were a few more home accidents I heard about, but none too serious.” 


At the start of the pandemic, there was a sharp increase in depression rates, and the related disorder, anxiety—and the numbers have only gone up. Dr. Marques cites, “In the United States, the CDC reported that 41% of the U.S. population currently has symptoms of anxiety or depression, compared to 11% reported from January to June in 2019.” Dr. Noulas has seen the impact of these numbers firsthand, saying, “Rates of depression have increased in the past year as people quarantine at home for long periods of time, have to work and homeschool, reduce socialization, and spend increased amounts of time alone or indoors. Humans are not meant to live in isolation in a monotonous routine, so our depressive reaction is actually an understandable response to an abnormal situation.” Next up, learn how to work through pandemic-related depression. Sources

Dr. Luana Marques, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), and Director of Community Psychiatry PRIDE at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.Paraskevi Noulas, Psy.D., a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine in New York City.Philip Junglas, MD, an internist and primary care provider at Cleveland Clinic in Twinsburg, Ohio.The New England Journal of Medicine: “A Pandemic within a Pandemic — Intimate Partner Violence during Covid-19” Feeding America: “Hunger in America”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Overdose Deaths Accelerating During COVID-19” Pandemic Ailments  12 Ways COVID Is Hurting our Health - 69