“My older son is the one who originally said, ‘Did you know they’re looking for Jeopardy! hosts? I saw on the internet. Maybe you should find out,’” the 45-year-old Bialik—who’s not only an actress; she’s also a neuroscientist!—said in an on-set Jeopardy! interview in May 2021. “He was really, really proud. He’s very, very excited… My 12-year-old’s a little less enthralled in general with me being in the industry, but I think he knows it’s a very iconic thing and mostly he’ll criticize what I look like because that’s what 12-year-olds do.” As the Emmy nominee gears up to quiz contestants onscreen, let’s take a look at her life off-camera. “THIS IS…” everything we know about Mayim Bialik’s husband, kids and family.

Who is Mayim Bialik’s husband?

The actress was married to Michael Stone from 2003 to 2012. Per Reuters, Bialik previously shared online that she and her husband met in a UCLA calculus class as graduate students. Stone was raised Mormon, but converted to Judaism after dating Bialik (who has described herself as an “aspiring Modern Orthodox” and an “observant Jew”) for five years. “It was on our first date that I told my gentile friend Mike that I could only marry a Jew,” Bialik recalled in a post on Kveller. “So I guess he wasn’t technically my boyfriend yet. He was just my longtime racquetball partner and calculus buddy. And I guess it also wasn’t really a first date, because if he didn’t want to do what he did from that day on, it would’ve just been a really awkward night, which two friends would have had to pretend hadn’t happened when they played racquetball the next morning.” The pair went on to tie the knot in a Victorian-themed Jewish ceremony in Pasadena, California.

Does Mayim Bialik have kids?

The Call Me Katactress has two sons, Miles and Frederick, both of whom she shares with her ex-husband. Bialik welcomed her first child, Miles, in 2005, followed by Frederick in 2008. The neuroscientist wrote a book in 2012 about attachment parenting titled Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way. Discussing the practice of attachment parenting (or “AP”)  with Healthlandin 2012, Bialik said, “It’s not all or nothing,” adding, “Some people sleep with their kids, some people breast-feed their kids until they’re 5 and some people don’t. The core principle is that a child’s voice matters.” Back in 2011, the mom of two shared a photo of herself nursing then-3-year-old son Fred on a NYC subway. During a 2014 interview with HuffPost Live (via E! Online), Bialik defended breastfeeding in public. “Our culture has a very, very bizarre relationship with breasts,” she said. “Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. It’s an intimate act, and that makes some people uncomfortable, but it’s completely normal to have all of the human hormones that are released when you breastfeed regulating your relationship with your child.”

Is Mayim Bialik still married?

Bialik announced in November 2012 that she and Stone were divorcing in a statement on Kveller. “After much consideration and soul-searching, Michael and I have arrived at the decision to divorce due to ‘irreconcilable differences,’” she wrote. “Divorce is terribly sad, painful and incomprehensible for children. It is not something we have decided lightly.” She also addressed whether the intense parenting she and Stone practiced fueled their split. “The hands-on style of parenting we practice played no role in the changes that led to this decision; relationships are complicated no matter what style of parenting you choose,” Bialik said. “The main priority for us now is to make the transition to two loving homes as smooth and painless as possible. Our sons deserve parents committed to their growth and health and that’s what we are focusing on. Our privacy has always been important and is even more so now, and we thank you in advance for respecting it as we negotiate this new terrain. We will be ok.” Still, some fans and celebs (including Whoopi Goldberg on The View) raised eyebrows at her statement, especially since Beyondthe Sling had arrived less than three months before Bialik’s divorce announcement. The actress had also garnered some controversy when she revealed that she routinely shared a bed with one of her sons, while her husband bunked with the other. In May 2012, she said on Anderson Cooper’s talk show that her family slept in “two beds on the floor next to each other” and that “it is normal to want to be close to someone who loves you at night. There’s nothing weird about it.” Although Stone and Bialik went their separate ways, they continue to “be part of each other’s families.” “Divorce isn’t the end of a family,” Bialik said in a 2016 YouTube video. “It’s the end of a nuclear family. It’s the end of a family living in one house, but we still have responsibilities to each other’s families and to our children as a family. It only strengthens my kids’ lives to have all of the people they are related to together for significant events.” The actress admitted that being divorced is “lame” and not a “fun way to raise kids.” As for why she puts the effort in? Bialik explained, “Life’s not a dress rehearsal. My kids get one chance to be kids, and this is their situation. I have to put them first because I’m their mom and he’s their dad.” In August 2020, Bialik told Us Weekly that she and her ex were “essentially quarantining together in two houses” with their kids going between their two homes. She said, “I’m so incredibly grateful, not only for my ex-husband, but for all of the work that we’ve put in to be able to have the kind of conversations we have to have.”

Does Mayim Bialik have a boyfriend?

In 2018, Bialik opened up about being newly single during the holidays following a breakup with an unnamed boyfriend. “My love story is nothing particularly exceptional. I mean, he was—er, is. I was an exceptional iteration of myself with him. For five years in fact. And now it’s over,” she wrote on her Grok Nation website. “If ever there were a story that should have ended not like this, I feel this might be it. But he has his own will and much as I wish I could control his will, I cannot. And so here we are.”

Is Mayim Bialik dating?

The good news is, Bialik’s got a new boyfriend in her life: She’s dating Jonathan Cohen, who’s also the co-host of her mental health podcast, Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown, referring to him as her “partner” in a February 2021 interview with Forbes. Cohen, like Bialik, is also a parent. In fact, he revealed on Instagram in 2018 that he relocated from Toronto to L.A. to be closer to his son. While Bialik and Cohen keep their private life private, they’re absolutely adorable together on their podcast and online. Next, The Big Bang Theory’s Mayim Bialik Talks Hanukkah and Head-to-Toe Health

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