Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise and, as it turns out, there are many different variations of this workout. Want to get started today? Here are 11 trainer-approved exercises to try.

Jump rope workouts


“To warm the muscles up, complete the listed workouts 1 minute in duration on each side,” says Tony Hill, fitness expert at Touche Fitness. “These workouts warm-up the shoulders, chest, upper body and lower body to reduce the possibility of strains, fractures, or injury.”

Single circle rotation


Holding both ends of the jump rope in 1 hand begins to spin the rope in a single circle.Complete on each side for 1 minute.

Interval training while jumping rope


Divide 15 mins into 3 sets and perform the following:1 min fast-paced jumping rope + 30 seconds of slow-paced (3 times)Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for 2 more sets.

“This exercise is a great fat burning workout that really boosts your metabolism as it alternates between different heart rates,” says John Gardner, a certified NASM personal trainer, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickoff.

Criss-cross (single hand)


Holding both ends of the jump rope in 1 hand, cross your arm across your body creating a figure 8 with the rope.Complete for a duration of 1 minute on each hand.

Different jumps workout (three blocks)

“Follow the directions in each block and rest 1 min before moving on to the next block,” Gardner explains. How-to: Block one:

1 min of forward jump (basic jump)1 min of side-to-side jump (Jump to your right and let the rope swing under your feet before jumping to the left and repeat)1 min of backward jump (reverse the motion to swing the rope behind you rather than in front of you)1 min of single leg jump on your left leg1 min of single leg jump on your right leg

Rest for 1 minute Block two: 

1 min of forward jump1 min of alternating jump (alternate the jump from one foot to the other)1 min of scissor jumps (cross your foot over each and alternate the foot you land on each time.)1 min of single leg jump on your left leg1 min of single leg jump on your right leg

Rest for 1 minute Block three: 

1 min of forward jump30 sec double jumps (the rope should pass beneath your feet twice with jump.)1 min backward jump30 sec double jumps

“This workout works on improving coordination, balance as well as a great cardio and fat burning exercise,” Gardner states.

Criss cross (both hands)


Holding the end of the rope in each hand, put both hands together in front of you and begin to cross the rope forming a figure 8.Complete for 1 minute.

Form for jumping rope

Tabata jump rope workouts

“This high-intensity workout can be performed quickly and can torch calories!” says Hannah Daugherty, Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach. How-to: (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, for 16 total minutes)

Single unders - 4 minutesJack feet - 4 minutesDouble unders - 4 minutesForward and back hops - 4 minutes.

Basic jump


Hold the handles of the rope in each hand and place feet in front of the jump rope.Keeping your feet close together and knees slightly bent begin to swing the rope up and over your head.Jump about 1/2 to 1 inch off the ground making sure to utilize the midsoles or ball of your foot.

“The basic jump rope technique uses the muscles in your lower body to include the quads, hamstrings, gluten, and calves. This technique will also recruit the muscles in your shoulders, arms, and core,” Hill explains. “Jumping rope will burn calories, increase coordination, lower injury risk, and improve heart health.”

Endurance workout

“This keeps the heart rate high with minimal rest; aim for moderate-intensity while being able to complete each round,” Daugherty explains. How-to:

45 seconds of single undersRest for 15 secondsRepeat for 5 minutesDo a second round of 5 minutes with 45 seconds of double unders with 15 seconds rest.

High knees or alternate footstep


Hold the handles of the rope in each hand and place your feet in front of the rope.Make sure to use a light knee and ankle motion while jumping on the balls of your feet.Begin to spin the rope up and over your head. While jumping, alternate the feet every time the rope passes through lifting your knees up high with each bounce.

“High knees engage your core, strengthens all the muscles in your legs, gets your heart rate up and improves momentum, coordination and flexibility,” says Hill.

Mummy kick (single hop with kick)


Hold the handles of the rope in each hand and place your feet in front of the rope.Begin to spin the rope up and over your head. You’ll want to have one foot supporting your weight while you kick your other foot out in front of you.Alternate between your right and left foot after each rope rotation. You don’t need to kick it out high or far though.

“This is a great cardio workout and will also help you work shoulders and calves,” notes Hill. Complete each exercise for 5-10 minutes. “You would have to spin the rope at least 80 times a minute to keep the momentum and reduce the chances of the rope becoming tangled,” Hill explains. “Ten minutes of jump rope is equivalent to running eight miles. The average person wants to jump rope to include the warm up and exercises for a total of at least 30 minutes, 2-3 times per week. This creates a good foundation to build on and increase your endurance.”

Conditioning workout

“Building endurance and coordination, this conditioning workout is certain to get the heart pumping and the legs burning!” Daugherty says. How-to: Perform each movement for 1 minute, then take a 1 minute rest at the end. Repeat 3 times.

Single undersSingle leg (left)Lateral hopsSingle leg (right)

Next, read 12 Trainers Share Their Favorite Workouts for Weight Loss—and Yes, Walking Counts!


Equinox: “AK! Rope is Now At Equinox”Tony Hill, fitness expert at Touche FitnessJohn Gardner, a certified NASM personal trainer, Co-Founder and CEO of KickoffHannah Daugherty, Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 75Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 34Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 88Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 52Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 63Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 77Jump Rope Workouts  11 Trainer Approve Jump Rope Exercises - 28