These days, hummus is an easy, healthy item that many of us keep in the fridge at all times. Looking for a lower-carb snack that will still leave you feeling full? Great, dip a bell pepper or carrots into your hummus. Looking for something heavier? Hummus spread on a bagel, toast, or pita is a solid option. While we often take hummus for granted as an obvious healthy option, is hummus good for you? We decided to consult the experts—here’s what they had to say.

Is hummus good for you?

This is a good time to talk about portion control. While hummus is an inherently healthy food, portion control is one component that tips it from healthy to unhealthy quickly. Brigid Titgemeier, functional medicine registered dietician and founder of My Food is Health, points out that a serving size of store-bought hummus is 2 tablespoons, and that serving provides, at most, 2 grams of protein. “Most people think hummus is a vegetarian source of protein, which it really is not. It is a more substantial source of dietary fat than protein.” When determining if hummus is healthy, it’s important to consider two things: the person eating it and the source. Titgemeier says, “For those that have issues with FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols), they will likely experience bloating and abdominal distention from eating chickpeas or hummus.”  All hummus eaters will be choosing a healthier option if they choose to make their own, which is remarkably easy and without any unnecessary ingredients like preservatives or flavor enhancers. 

Health benefits of hummus

Hummus is also a good source of fiber, as pointed out by functional nutritionist Jen Dreisch, which she says is beneficial for “cardiovascular health, Crohn’s disease, Hiatal hernias, IBS, high blood pressure, normalizing cholesterol levels, and improving bowel function.” Wendy Sterling, a certified eating disorder registered dietitian and team nutritionist for the Oakland Athletics says that in addition to being high in fiber, chickpeas provide healthy amounts of iron, potassium, and starch. “When made into hummus, chickpeas are a great source of fats and garlic, which make them heart-healthy, too.”

When hummus gets unhealthy

Overall, hummus is a good option to keep on the healthy snack list, but there are some drawbacks. Titgemeier points out that the quality of the oil is important, and if you’re not making hummus at home, oils like canola oil and other highly processed industrialized seed oils like soybean and sunflower oil tend to creep in. Another issue is pesticides in non-organic, store-bought hummus brands, and potentially in homemade, unless the ingredients are organic. Sterling advises consumers to be aware of an article that the Environmental Working Group published an article in July 2020 stating that chickpeas—and therefore hummus—contain high levels of a weed-killing herbicide, glyphosate, which has been linked with cancer. Sterling says, “The EWG and EPA have different levels of what is considered a tolerable level of safety for concerns, with the EPA’s level being much higher. But as a consumer, anything above zero feels unacceptable.” What’s great about the EWG article, she says, is that it “ranks chickpeas/hummus from most to least containing glyphosate and it seems that those that are organic, for the most part, have lower levels.”

What to eat with hummus

Dreisch, Titgemeier, and Sterling all agree that pairing hummus with fresh veggies is a healthy snack, as long as your body can digest beans. Dreisch says, “Carrots, celery, radishes, zucchini slices, broccoli, and cauliflower are all great options, but raw veggies are harder to digest, so I do a quick steam and then dip in the hummus. Apple slices are also a fun option with a little flare.” Up next, check out these snack hacks with five ingredients or less.


Brigid Titgemeier, functional medicine registered dietician and founder of My Food is Health.Jen Dreisch, functional nutritionist.Wendy Sterling, certified eating disorder registered dietitian and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics in the Bay Area.Environmental Working Group: “High Levels of Bayer’s Weedkiller Found in Hummus, Chickpeas.” Is Hummus Good or Bad For You  Health Benefits of Hummus - 94