Raise your hand if your schedule has been a bit off lately. Maybe you’re working from home more. Or you froze your gym membership out of concern over air quality. Or you’re juggling kids who are spending half the week in school and the other half at your kitchen table. Welcome to the world of pandemic living, where normal routines have been temporarily upended. Also upended? Let’s just come out and say it: your poop. Seriously, think about it. Your bowels crave a regular routine. They work like clockwork when your days follow a consistent pattern, your diet is predictable and they know what to expect. But throw a wrench in that routine, add the stress of these uncertain times, and…well, there’s suddenly a kink in the plumbing.

What affects your ability to poop?

“Stress and anxiety have a major impact on what we call ‘gut motility,’ especially during COVID,” says Ashish Malhotra, M.D., a gastroenterology specialist at ProHealth Physicians in Danbury, CT. “At least 80 to 90 percent of patient visits I have right now are due to stress. There is also a lack of physical activity caused by changes in people’s schedules that can contribute to the problem.” But here’s the other thing: What you probably think of when it comes to constipation—the inability to poop—is only part of the story. “The definition of constipation is something that has confused physicians and researchers for a long time,” says gastroenterologist Satish Rao, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of medicine at Augusta University in Georgia. “Only in the last two decades have we had proper science to help us understand that constipation is a multifactorial heterogeneous disorder—in others words, no two patients have the exact same symptoms or causes.” Still, there are a handful of symptoms that help paint a picture of what goes on—or rather, doesn’t go on—when you can’t make yourself poop. These may include: straining, hard pellet-like stool, going three times a week or less, feeling like you didn’t get everything out, feeling like there is a blockage somewhere inside and feeling bloated. The problem is way more common than you might think. About one in six adult Americans deals with constipation, and that number rises the older you get. And while men tend to poop more frequently than women due to differences in hormones (testosterone increases the need to go while female hormones can make it harder), anyone can fall victim to a bout of constipation, says Christine Lee, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. If there’s a bright side to your predicament, consider: “No one ever died from constipation,” says Dr. Rao. Still, that’s a small consolation when you’re doubling over with stomach cramps and discomfort. There are some simple ways you can help get things back on track, though. In fact, up to 90 percent of poop problems can be solved by making diet, exercise and lifestyle changes, says Dr. Malhotra. These expert tips will get things moving in the right direction when you’re trying to make yourself poop fast.

Diet and poop

They say you are what you eat, and if you’re feeling constipated, there’s a good chance you’re not taking in the right food. “Eating a lot of bread and rice, in addition to high-protein foods like eggs and meat, can lead to constipation,” says Dr. Lee. So, what to eat instead if you’re trying to make yourself poop?

These fiber-rich foods can help you poop

Fiber doesn’t just bulk up your stool (although it does that, too). It also helps keep your waste from getting all crazy hard, so it moves through your system easily. The ideal fiber-rich food has a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber, says Dr. Rao. Soluble fiber gets broken down into short-chain fatty acids that add bulk, while insoluble fiber retains water. Prunes contain both types, and eating them daily improves people’s frequency and consistency of bowel movements by 15 percent, according to a study in Clinical Nutrition. So how much fiber should you aim for to make yourself poop regularly? “We should all be getting 20 to 30 grams a day,” says Dr. Rao. “But most of us only get 7.” These high-fiber foods, recommended by Dr. Lee, can help you up your daily quotient:

Apples, bananas, orangesRaspberriesDark-colored vegetablesBroccoli floretsBrussels sproutsAsparagusArtichokesAcorn squashGreen peasTurnip greensOatmeal

Why does coffee make you poop?

Good old coffee might be one of your best weapons in your war on constipation. A classic study on the subject found that a cup of coffee improves your ability to poop by 60 percent compared to plain water. “Caffeine is a laxative, so it can help move your bowels,” says Dr. Malhotra. (It’s also a diuretic so it can cause dehydration, but in this case the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.) So how exactly does coffee help you poop? “Chlorogenic acids and N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamides found in coffee can stimulate the gastrocolic reflex, signaling the urge to defecate,” says Dr. Lee. “Coffee has also been shown to raise levels of gastrin and cholecystokinin, two hormones linked to increased colon activity.” Start your day with a cup or two to get your system moving.

These teas could help with constipation

Like coffee, some teas are caffeinated, and that alone may be enough to get your inner situation sorted out. In addition, certain types of tea contain herbs or compounds believed to have laxative effects. Here are a few teas to try:

Senna tea: Senna, an herbal laxative, may help get things moving again.Cascara tea: This tea is believed to have similar herbal laxative powers as senna.Kombucha tea: Made from fermented green or black sweet tea, this beverage contain probiotics that have digestive benefits.Peppermint tea: In one study, daily doses of peppermint oil improved bowel dysfunction by 58 percent.

Will flaxseeds help you poop?

These seeds, used for hundreds of years as a remedy for constipation, are like nature’s little laxatives. Flaxseeds are high in soluble and insoluble fiber, and were shown to improve both poop frequency and bulk in lab studies. Other research in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests flaxseeds can help improve stool formation in people with constipation. You can buy ground flaxseed at most health food stores; sprinkle a spoonful over your cereal or add them to your yogurt or smoothie.

Apple juice may make you poop

Apples are a great source of fiber; in particular, they contain a type of dietary fiber known as pectin. In one clinical trial, pectin, also found in apple juice, sped up the transit time of food in the colon when consumed daily for four weeks. The study also found that a daily dose of pectin improved the mix of bacteria in the gut—a buzzy new area of research being linked to everything from better bowel movements to less disease. Another reason apple juice might be your poop’s best friend: It contains a fair amount of fructose and sorbitol. Together, large amounts of these sugars can induce diarrhea, especially in someone with a sensitive stomach. While that may make apple juice less than desirable before a big work presentation or setting out on a road trip, it could do the trick when you need to make yourself poop fast. One thing that probably doesn’t make you poop? Apple cider vinegar. There are a lot of urban legends out there about how this condiment might help with constipation, but virtually no scientific research to back it up. Plus, since vinegar is an acid, you run a decent chance of adding more aggravation to your intestinal discomfort.

Lifestyle and poop

Sometimes, it’s the littlest things that cause the biggest roadblocks when it comes to bowel movements. That’s good news, in a way, because it means changing these daily habits can also make your pooping schedule more regular. Learn more about the role of exercise, pooping position, stress levels and more when trying to make yourself poop regularly.

Can dehydration cause constipation?

Just as the right beverages can improve your poop regularity, not getting enough to drink can wreak havoc on it. It turns out, even mild dehydration, whether from a stomach virus or exercising on a hot day, can result in constipation, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. How much fluid you need varies by person and activity level. “I tell patients to drink enough so that they no longer feel thirsty or so their lips are not dry,” says Dr. Malhotra. Generally, that means aiming for eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day (more if you’re especially active, but be careful not to overhydrate).

Exercise helps you poop fast

If you’ve ever gone for a walk or a jog, come home, and needed to immediately head for the toilet, you’re not alone. Exercise, even in small doses, can get your bowels in gear fast. An analysis of nine studies involving nearly 700 participants, published in study in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, found that moderate aerobic activities like walking significantly improved constipation symptoms. So what exactly is going on in there when you work out? Thanks to Dr. Rao, we have a pretty good idea. In his study, healthy volunteers wore a catheter that recorded colon muscle activity as they exercised at different intensities. “We thought that there would be an increase in motility in the colon during exercise, but it was the exact opposite,” he says. “During intense activity, all the blood is stolen from the gut for muscles that are doing work. But immediately after exercise, blood gushes back to the colon and wakes it up with a bang—and that’s when you get a lot of contractions that help the colon start working.” You don’t need to climb Kilimanjaro to get the desired effect, says Dr. Malhotra. “Just get up and move—change positions,” he says. “Even mild exercise like walking or doing household chores can affect gut motility.” Aim for a minimum of 15-30 minutes a day.

Is there a perfect position for pooping?

By now, Squatty Potty is virtually a household name—and for good reason. The product that hit pay dirt on Shark Tank features a footstool to help alter the body angle of a person sitting on the toilet. “The traditional sitting modality is not very conducive to defecation,” explains Dr. Rao. “Your rectum has an acute angle, designed to prevent leaking, which is straightened when you squat, releasing the poop. Raising your feet up on a stool and leaning forward gets you closer to that angle.” A study at The Ohio State University found that using a toilet stool improved the speed of bowel movements for 71 percent of people and 90 percent experienced less straining when they tried to go. What’s more, two-thirds of people in the study said they would continue to use the stool because it was easy and effective—that’s not trivial since one of the challenges with constipation and making yourself poop regularly is finding a remedy people will stick with. (Prune juice three times a day, every day, all week? No thanks!)

Massage may help you poop

While it may not be as effective as footstools and fiber, self-massage can be helpful if you’re constipated, both in speeding up transit time in the colon and in improving feelings of discomfort, according to research in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. Here’s how it works:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor.Place your hands on your stomach.Starting at your right hip bone, press down with both hands.Slowly make a circular motion up toward the right edge of your rib cage, across to the left side of the ribs, down the left side to your left hip bone, and back over to your right side.Continue to make slow, clockwise circles for 10 minutes.

Another study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that perineal acupressure massage (pressing gently on spots along the skin just forward of your anus) can bring relief if you are constipated, and help you make yourself poop.

Can stress cause constipation?

Have you ever had one of those nights where work stress is keeping you up, and the more you focus on trying to fall asleep, the harder it becomes? Poop is like that: The more you stress about not being able to poop, the harder it is to get the job done. “Stress and anxiety play a really big role in causing constipation,” says Dr. Malhotra. They do this in several ways. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that stress triggers the release of certain hormones in the bowels that slow things down; stress also diverts blood away from the gut and out to your limbs as part of the “fight or flight” response—again, slowing down progress in your colon. While there’s no quick fix for stress, especially in these tricky pandemic times, activities like yoga, meditation and mindfulness have all been shown the help with relaxation.

Supplements, medications and poop

If you’re considering meds to help you poop, you might want to review the drugs and supplements you’re already taking first. “Pain medications, blood pressure medications, seizure medications, water pills, antidepressants, and anticholinergic medications can all lead to constipation,” says Dr. Lee. Always tell your doctor what you’re taking, especially if you notice a correlation between starting a new med and straining to go. That said, some medications and supplements, like the ones here, may be useful if you’re struggling to poop.

Best laxatives for constipation

If you’ve ever purchased an over-the-counter laxative at your local drugstore, you’re in good company: OTC laxatives are an $82 million a year business in the U.S. Use them selectively, though: Not all laxatives are safe for long-term use, and overuse can actually decrease your natural bowel functions. “Always consult your physician first if you have questions about treatment for constipation,” says Dr. Lee. “That said, damage to your intestines from inadequately treated constipation, including diverticulosis, bowel obstruction, tears, and bleeding, are much more dangerous than any concerns associated with laxative use.” OTC laxatives can be broken down into several types. Stool softeners like Colace add moisture to your stool, while stimulants like Dulcolax increase gut muscle contractions to help push the poop out. Meanwhile, osmotics like Miralax draw water into the colon to help with stool passage.

Best fiber supplement for constipation

Fiber supplements work to help bulk up your stool, which then signals to your brain that it’s time to go. One popular choice, Citrucel, is made from the soluble fiber methylcellulose, a plant derivative. Psyllium, better known as Metamucil, is another option: It is made from seed husks of the plantago ovata plant and is a blend of soluble and insoluble fiber. Wheat dextrin (a.k.a. Benefiber) is a soluble fiber derived from wheat plants and is virtually gluten-free. As with laxatives, it’s not a case of one being superior to another; different options work better for different people, so try one for a few days and if you’re not getting the desired relief, try another.

Does magnesium affect your poop?

“Magnesium is a laxative,” says Dr. Malhotra. “It will cause increased colonic motility—in fact, various laxatives are based on magnesium, like Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia.” Taking it as a supplement might help with constipation, but you should talk to your doctor first, he says, because there is the possibility of heart issues in some patients. You might not need a supplement, though, as you can also get magnesium through whole foods. “Almonds, cashews, and peanuts packed with magnesium,” says Dr. Lee. “One ounce of almonds has 80 mg, or about 20 percent of your recommended daily intake.” Here are a few other whole-food options:

Pumpkin seeds/kernels, 1 oz, 168 mgCooked spinach, ½ cup, 78 mgDry roasted cashews, 1 oz, 74 mgRoasted peanuts, ¼ cup, 63 mg

Do probiotics help you poop?

They might, in a roundabout way. “Probiotics can be good for bowel regularity,” explains Dr. Malhotra. Although there is limited research directly on constipation, “in general, people with constipation have issues with bloating and abdominal discomfort, and probiotics can help eliminate those problems because they replenish gut microflora with bacteria that is better for you.” You can buy prebiotic and probiotic supplements, but you’ll also find probiotics in foods like yogurt, tempeh, kefir, sauerkraut, cottage cheese and pickled cucumbers and onions. At the end of the day, there is no sure-fire poop plan that’s guaranteed to work for everybody. But by mix-and-matching the strategies here, you will eventually find a combo that helps get things moving again so you’re able to make yourself poop regularly. Most important, says Dr. Malhotra, is to try not to stress about it. “With gut disorders, if you can convince the mind that things are OK,” he says, “the body will usually follow.” Here’s everything you need to know about gut health and diet.


Ashish Malhotra, M.D., gastroenterology specialist at ProHealth Physicians in Danbury, CTSatish Rao, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Augusta University in GeorgiaChristine Lee, M.D., gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic in OhioAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology: “Epidemiology of Constipation in North America"Clinical Nutrition: “The effect of prunes on stool output, gut transit time and gastrointestinal microbiota.“European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology: “Is coffee a colonic stimulant?“European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Mild dehydration: a risk factor in constipation?“Journal of General Internal Medicine: “Effect of perineal self-acupressure on constipation.“Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology: “Does stress induce bowel dysfunction?“LiverTox: “Senna"Livertox: “Cascara"Phytomedicine: “Peppermint oil in irritable bowel syndrome"BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies: “Laxative effects of partially defatted flaxseed meal on normal and experimental constipated mice"Journal of Ethnopharmacology: “Dual effectiveness of Flaxseed in constipation and diarrhea: Possible mechanism"Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi: “Clinical benefits after soluble dietary fiber supplementation: a randomized clinical trial in adults with slow-transit constipation"Current Gastroenterology Reports: “Dietary fructose intolerance, fructan intolerance and FODMAPs"Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology: “Exercise therapy in patients with constipation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center: “Ohio State Research Finds Toilet Stool May Solve Common Bowel Issues"Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies: “The use of abdominal massage to treat chronic constipation"University of Michigan Health System: “Abdominal Self Massage"BMC Gastroenterology: “Chronic constipation in the elderly: a primer for the gastroenterologist"Mayo Clinic: “Over-the-counter laxatives for constipation: Use with caution” How to Make Yourself Poop Fast  What Helps You Poop Immediately    - 49