However, there’s another form of PTSD called complex PTSD (CPTSD), which may appear similar from the outside, but there are several major distinctions. To find out what separates PTSD and CPTSD, we spoke to top psychologists. Here’s what they had to say.

What’s the difference between CPTSD and PTSD? 

“Similar in how they present themselves, CPTSD and PTSD are different based on what causes them,” says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a New York-based Neuropsychologist and Faculty Member at Columbia University. The main difference is that PTSD is caused by one traumatic incident and CPTSD is caused by repeated trauma.“PTSD occurs after one serious event, like a sexual assault or a serious car accident. CPTSD, on the other hand, often arises due to repeated or ongoing trauma for an extended period of time. Most of the time, the trauma associated with CPTSD occurs in a person’s childhood,” Dr. Hafeez explains. Victims with CPTSD often experience abuse over the course of several months or years, which leads to trauma that’s deeply ingrained. “Events that may lead to CPTSD include ongoing domestic violence, experiencing child abuse or neglect or abandonment, repeatedly bearing witness to violence or abuse, torture or kidnapping, being a prisoner of war, being forced into prostitution,” says Dr. Holly Schiff, PSyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist. “Events that may lead to PTSD include a serious accident, traumatic childbirth experience, physical or sexual assault, serious health problem.”

Symptoms of CPTSD and PTSD

While the root cause of the trauma may differ, the symptoms for both conditions are similar. “CPTSD and PTSD present themselves in very similar ways despite being caused by different events,” Dr. Hafeez explains. “Some therapists group the two disorders together as they feel they are too similar to differentiate.” Dr. Schiff lists some of the most common symptoms. They include:

Re-experiencing the trauma through intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmaresAvoiding people, places or thoughts that remind you of the traumaChanges in mood and thinking – overwhelming negative emotions and feeling distant from other peopleFeeling on edge, easily irritable, easily frightened, difficulty concentrating or sleeping

“Those with CPTSD may also report difficulties managing their emotions, difficulties maintaining relationships, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, suicidal thoughts and physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, and chest pains,” Dr. Schiff states. “They may also feel like they are completely different from other people and that nobody can understand what happened to them, as well as feeling very angry or distrustful towards the world.” In CPTSD, self-esteem is greatly affected as a result of the recurrent trauma. “More commonly in CPTSD, victims feel a lack of self-worth due to repeated abuse," says Dr. Hafeez. “They may feel that their abuse was their own fault and be unable to make friends or keep relationships. In very severe situations, victims can experience physical pain, like stomach issues and difficulty breathing, and suicidal thoughts.”

PTSD treatment

PTSD is treated with trauma-focused therapies. “This is where the patient recalls and processes the traumatic event in the safe and controlled environment of a therapy session,” Dr. Schiff explains. “EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a common therapy for PTSD. The patient revisits and describes memories of their trauma while the therapist leads you through eye movements that are aimed to shift how your brain is processing traumatic memories.” Another treatment for PTSD is CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. “CBT helps transform negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors into more healthy alternative. It helps the patient learn how to respond differently to trauma triggers and change their fearful thinking. PTSD can also be treated with antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications,” Dr. Schiff states.

CPTSD treatment

The big difference in the two treatment approaches is skill-building, which is used with CPTSD. “CPTSD treatment includes the elements of standard PTSD treatment, but adds skill-building strategies so the patient can learn to manage their strong emotions, create supportive relationships and address any feelings of guilt and worthlessness they may have,” Dr. Schiff explains. “CPTSD treatment takes longer than PTSD treatment because with a prolonged trauma, the patient has usually developed habits to protect themselves.” For those experiencing CPTSD, it can take a major toll on their self-esteem. “One key difference relating to CPTSD treatment is to help a victim overcome their feelings of guilt or worthlessness and be able to maintain relationships,” says Dr. Hafeez. In most cases, the trauma from CPTSD occurs at a young age, and that creates trust issues and problems fitting in with others. Dr. Hafeez explains, “a majority of people suffering from CPTSD experienced their trauma as children, and for long periods of time, they likely were unable to learn skills needed to trust others and immerse themselves in society.” Next, read the top little-known facts about mental health awareness month.


Dr. Sanam Hafeez, NYC Neuropsychologist and Faculty Member at Columbia UniversityDr. Holly Schiff, Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist CPTSD Vs PTSD  What s The Difference  and How Is Each One Treated  - 39