But having high-quality products is a crucial component of maintaining optimal oral health. And actor and interior designer Bobby Berk can attest to the importance of brushing your teeth and using products that will not only improve your health but the health of the environment as well.

Why Oral Health Is So Important to Berk

“Brushing my teeth has been something that has been drilled into my head—no pun intended—from a very young age,” Berk explains. “My mother was a bit overprotective and brushed my teeth and my sister’s teeth until we were about 12 or 13 years old. So, brushing my teeth has been something that’s been very important to me my entire life.” And since filming Queer Eye, he’s drinking coffee on a regular basis and noticed his teeth getting very sensitive from drinking hot and cold coffee. “I asked my dentist, ‘What’s going on? Am I getting cavities?’ And she said my teeth were just getting sensitive from drinking too much coffee,” says Berk. “She recommended Sensodyne and I have been using Sensodyne since season three.” As someone who practices a sustainable lifestyle, what he loves most about Sensodyne’s new Nourish collection is the fact that it’s their first recyclable tube. “Being in the film industry and one of the most polluting industries where there’s so much waste, I try to find things in my daily life where I can make a little difference,” Berk states. “I think if we all try to make little differences here and there, they can add up to big differences. Using a toothpaste tube that is recyclable is a big deal for me.”

The Sustainable Product Swap Berk Recommends

Making the switch from plastic bottles to collapsible bottles has been a game changer for Berk. “I use collapsible bottles because a lot of times you don’t have room for the big bottle and then you end up using a plastic bottle anyway. And so, when we were filming last season, I actually got everyone on the crew these refillable bag bottles that they could clip on their waist.” Also, Berk’s new rug collection is made with 670 recycled water bottles so he is doing his part at home and at work to reduce his carbon footprint. When it comes to practicing a sustainable lifestyle, he recommends choosing one sustainable practie and sticking to it. “If you choose one sustainable product swap and do it consistently, that makes more of an impact than trying to do a bunch of other ones and not succeeding at them,” says Berk.

What Berk Swears By for Fresh Breath

Berk recommends a tongue scraper to keep his breath smelling fresh and clean. “I am not a big candy or mint fan. It’s probably because my mom never allowed us to have that many sweets growing up, so I’m not one to use a lot of things like that. But one thing I do find that really helps with fresh breath is a tongue scraper.” Hey, whatever works—and from what we’ve heard a tongue scraper works wonders, even on garlic breath.  Next up: 7 Tips For Brighter, Whiter Teeth From Hailey Bieber and Angela Bassett’s Dentist