Nothing is quite as soothing as a hot cup of soup this time of year. And there’s a reason why bone broth is a popular go-to if you’re feeling sick or simply want to warm up on a cold winter day. Well-known for its healing benefits, bone broth is a staple in many cultural cuisines. Whether it’s in soups, sauces or health drinks, bone broth is highly nutritious and easy to make. Need further convincing about the powers of bone broth? Here’s everything you need to know. 

What is bone broth?

Bone broth is the product of simmering bones, such as chicken bones, beef knuckle bones, or fish bones, in water for an extended period, with or without other ingredients like vinegar, turmeric, and vegetables. This process produces a liquid with dissolved collagen, gelatin, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, with very few calories considering its nutritional density, Dr. Stacie Stephenson, certified nutrition specialist and founder of VibrantDoc, explains. There are different types of collagen in different types of animal bones and connective tissues, so the exact benefits of bone broth differ depending on what kind of bones you use. 

Benefits of bone broth

Improves skin and joint health

Bone broth contains collagen and gelatin, both of which can improve skin and joint health.  “Collagen is a trendy ingredient that can improve skin quality, reduce joint pain, and make bones denser,” says Dr. Stephenson. “A lot of people take it in the form of powders or pills, but bone broth may be a better, more natural way to get collagen. Your body makes collagen out of glycine and proline, and research shows that the regular consumption of bone broth increases these amino acids in the body, which suggests that it supports the body’s natural collagen production.” The connective tissue on bones is also made of collagen, which dissolves into gelatin in bone broth. For best results, use a variety of animal bones so you get different types of collagen, Dr. Stephenson adds. The gelatin in bone broth may also contribute to collagen synthesis, as well as cartilage thickness and function in people with osteoarthritis.

Can help with weight loss

Low in calories and packed with protein, bone broth is a great addition to any diet. “Bone broth is good for people who are working on reducing caloric intake to lose weight because it contains a lot of filling protein for very few calories,” says Dr. Stephenson. “It may also help to increase lean muscle and reduce body fat, especially if bone broth is made with marrow bones containing the marrow. The fat in bone marrow may release adiponectin, which can improve insulin sensitivity and break down fat, in people who are restricting calories.”

Reduces inflammation

The amino acids in bone broth, especially arginine, have an anti-inflammatory effect, Dr. Stephenson explains.

Heals the gut

Your gut is the gateway to your overall health, which is why eating gut-friendly foods such as bone broth is important. “The collagen in bone broth can help to heal a permeable intestine, creating a more secure intestinal barrier that can prevent food particles from escaping the digestive tract and causing immune reactions,” Dr. Stephenson states.

Highly nutritious

If you’ve never tried bone broth, try experimenting with different recipes! There are many different ways to enjoy it. Using bone broth in your recipes, such as in soup, chili, or stew, can add significant nutrition—vitamins like A and K, minerals like iron and zinc, a variety of amino acids and fatty acids—without adding very many calories, Dr. Stephenson explains.

Can aid in digestion 

Along with improving gut health, bone broth is great for digestion. “The protein breakdown from the slow, long heat allows for easy digestion of the amino acids from the collagen,” says Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy Group.

Speeds up the healing process of wounds 

Bone broth has natural healing powers. “All of those good amino acids, minerals, and collagen in bone broth can help you make a quick recovery if you get injured,” Heather Hanks, MS, CAM, Solutions BCN—Nutritionist and Medical Advisor, explains.

Supports brain health

It’s no secret the mind and body are closely linked. Giving your body proper fuel has a positive ripple effect, including your mental health. “Amino acids act as precursors to neurotransmitters, which are chemical signals produced primarily in the gut that influence mood,” says Hanks.

Provides immune support 

Keeping your immune system strong is important now more than ever. “Bone broth is rich in gelatin, which can help support your immune system since it helps fight inflammation and infection,” Amy Davis, RD, LDN, and Lead Dietitian at Snap Kitchen, explains. Long story short: You should feel free (and excited about) sipping bone broth all winter long. Enjoy! Next, read about these 8 homemade broth recipes so good you’ll drink them straight.


Dr. Stacie Stephenson, certified nutrition specialist and founder of VibrantDocFrontiers in Nutrition: “Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations After the Ingestion of Dairy and Collagen Proteins, in Healthy Active Males”Sports Medicine: “Selected In-Season Nutritional Strategies to Enhance Recovery for Team Sport Athletes: A Practical Overview”Cell Metabolism: “Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue Is an Endocrine Organ that Contributes to Increased Circulating Adiponectin during Caloric Restriction”Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry: “Effects of exercise and L-arginine intake on inflammation in aorta of high-fat diet induced obese rats”Food & Function: “Collagen peptides ameliorate intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in immunostimulatory Caco-2 cell monolayers via enhancing tight junctions”Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy GroupAmy Davis, RD, LDN, and Lead Dietitian at Snap Kitchen 9 Health Packed Reasons to Sip On Bone Broth - 86