When is Strawberry Picking Season?

Strawberries are one of the most produced fruits in the country. There are over 600 varieties that differ in size, taste and texture. Ideal growing conditions are different for each kind, making many locations possible for where they can grow. Since there are so many areas where strawberries can be grown, the national strawberry picking season is said to be January through November. This would be how we can buy berries shipped in from California and Florida in the middle of winter. In the deep south, strawberries are at perfect picking condition in late April and May. In the middle of the country (like here in Indiana), May and June are the best times. Finally, far to the north, the peak time will likely be late June. We love going to our local U-pick patch to fill up our buckets with pounds and pounds of strawberries, and every year they open sometime around Memorial Day until the middle of June. Once we have our strawberry haul home, I am always looking for ways to use them up. Well, the ones that survive us snacking on them constantly that is!

How To Store Strawberries

So you’ve been to your favorite U-pick patch, now what? If your family is anything like mine, you need to have a big bowl in the fridge for snacking, on top of the ones you can’t wait to bake and cook with! If you’re eating them quickly, leave them on the counter top at room temperature for the most flavor. To keep them around a little longer, line a shallow pie plate, dish or even baking sheet with paper towels. Arrange the unwashed berries in a single layer on top and then cover with a lid or plastic wrap. When stored properly, strawberries will last in the refrigerator for about a week.

How To Freeze Strawberries

Strawberries can be frozen whole, sliced or even crushed. You can add sugar or not, depending on preference. To freeze whole berries, spread on a baking sheet and freeze before bagging. This will prevent them from sticking together. If you choose to add sugar to sliced or crushed berries, a solid freezer container works better than a plastic bag.

Best Strawberry Recipes

Launch the gallery to find beautiful strawberry desserts like No-Bake Strawberry Jell-O Pie and Crustless Strawberry Pie. But these berries aren’t just for the end of the meal. Strawberry Cucumber Salad is bursting with fresh garden flavor, and the Strawberry Wine Slushie would be perfect for sipping pool side. Any morning will be sweeter with some Strawberry Jam (no canning!) slathered on your breakfast toast or biscuit! June is the gateway to all things summer. We all look forward to so many foodie treats over these next few months and surely strawberries have to be at the top of the list. These 80 easy strawberry recipes are a terrific way to kick off your summer celebrations! Next: 20 Summer Recipes Bursting with Berry Flavor

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