420 Memes
1. Anyone who’s driven home at 5:30 p.m. has wondered this, whether or not they’ve been high.
2. New Girl fans know Nick Miller has asked a very similar version of this question.
3. Martha Stewart, help!
4. Let your loved ones know not to take it personally if you leave them on read this 4/20.
5. Take a cue from Queen RiRi.
6. He sees you when you’re sleeping (for 11 hours straight).
7. Pro tip: Make a munchie plan in advance.
8. Come on, we all know the Pringles motto, stoned or not.
9. Get renter’s insurance.
10. Living your best life, obviously.
11. We’ve all been there.
12. Please wait until you’re sober to consider quitting your job.
13. This hits harder when you are, in fact, faded af yourself.
14. Also, if something is “written up,” it’s typically a bad thing.
15. Remember: Odors stick.
16. Someone ask Jeff Goldblum.
17. All in due time.
18. They’re also more likely to strike on March 14.
19. The one time “k” isn’t an annoying response.
20. To be fair, this looks a lot more fun than most dates.
21. Mitch Hedberg was one of the GOAT.
22. The struggle is real.
23. OK, but now we’re seriously wondering.
24. Fair enough, but we’re still terrified to put our contact lenses in this way.
25. The power!
26. With a designated driver at the wheel, we hope.
27. I’ll take 11 of everything please, thanks.
28. You’ve gotta respect advertisers who know their demographics.
29. To be fair, he could afford the really good stuff.
30. For real, someone just made this up arbitrarily, right? Time is a construct.
31. Usually the container that it’s in…
32. Mmmmm.
33. Depends on your definition of life, doesn’t it?
34. Get it?
35. Please be considerate of other passengers.
36. More like Powerpuff-puff-pass.
37. This is when autofill comes in handy the most.
38. Never hide your joy.
39. Breakfast of champions.
40. Head to an ATM and handle this.
41. We’ve all been this pooch.
42. I swear to stoned I’m not God.
43. The same reason it’s not spelled “brige.”
44. To be fair, your stoner siblings are probably some of the easiest to get along with.
45. Instant BFFs.
46. Don’t be like Steve.
47. December 2020? Nailed it.
48. Everyone loves tacos!
49. Be this dog on 4/20.
50. Because it wouldn’t be 4/20 without some extra Snoop.
Next, find out what happens when you smoke THC every day.