Fortunately, gastrointestinal doctors speak “stomach talk” fluently. They’re trained interpreters of all the big and small ways the digestive tract talks to us. Dr. Kyle Staller, MD, MHP, a board-certified gastroenterologist and the director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital, says that very rarely is a growling stomach something to worry about. “Stomach noises are normal,” he says. “Our gut is always moving and what you’re hearing is the construction of gas and fluid moving through the gut.” Dr. Sarah Shannahan, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastro Health, agrees, saying that the stomach is constantly in motion. “While we often think of stomach contractions to help aid in mixing food, in between meals the stomach continues to have synchronized contractions that help clear any residual particles from the stomach that may be harder to digest,” she says. While stomach growling is normal, there are three reasons in particular that the doctors say you could be more aware of it. Keep reading to find out what they are.

3 Reasons Why Your Stomach is Growling

1. You’re hungry

You knew this one was coming, right? Both G.I. docs say that the connection between hunger and a growling stomach is real. “When you’re hungry, a program called the migrating motor complex takes place in the gut,” Dr. Staller says. He explains that when someone hasn’t eaten in a while, this program kicks into gear and signals strong contractions to move from one end of the GI tract to the other. Cue the stomach growls. Dr. Shannahan explains that hormones play a role in this program. “In between meals, many different processes occur in the body, including the release of hormones such as ghrelin and motilin. Ghrelin is the ‘hunger hormone,’ which tells us it is time to eat,” she says. “These hormones are released during the fasting state and increase contractions of the stomach and emptying of stomach contents into the intestine.” Similar to Dr. Staller, she explains that as the stomach contracts, the movement of fluid and air can result in growling. While a growling stomach may be your sign to eat something, Dr. Shannahan says that you may still hear your stomach growling after you eat too. “Stomach growling is most often reflecting the normal air, gastric juices and food contents in the stomach as they move through the stomach into the small intestine,” she says. Again, it’s totally normal.

2. Your body is having trouble digesting something you ate

Dr. Shannahan says that if you ate something that you’re sensitive to (such as dairy or gluten), and your digestive tract is struggling to digest it, this struggle could cause your stomach to growl. Think of it like when you’re in the gym lifting a super heavy weight: You’re working extra hard and may let out an involuntary yelp. “There are some conditions and food intolerances which can result in increased gas and a feeling of indigestion,” Dr. Shannahan says. “Lactose intolerance, for example, results from the inability to break down lactose in dairy products and can result in excess gas production, bloating and diarrhea.” She adds that other examples include ingesting excessive air (eating too quickly, drinking carbonated beverages, or chewing gum) or ingesting artificial sugars resulting in the production of excess gas.

3. You’re hyper-aware of what your stomach is doing

As both doctors have emphasized, stomach growling is common and can happen anytime, whether you’re hungry or you’ve already eaten. Dr. Staller says that one reason why someone may be noticing their growling stomach is simply because they’re in a super quiet space. Any sound is amplified when there’s no other noise to muffle it—stomach growling included. Again, it’s completely normal to hear your stomach growling from time to time. “Most growling reflects the normal motility of the stomach. You may even notice your physician listening to your bowel sounds during office visits. Bowel sounds are generally a good thing, suggesting that your stomach and intestines are doing their job of moving along contents towards the colon,” Dr. Shannahan says. The only time when both experts say you should consider seeing a doctor about stomach growling is if it’s accompanied by other problematic symptoms. “The time to see your doctor is when these sounds are associated with other symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal distention or changes in your bowel movements,” Dr. Shannahan says. Otherwise, you’re in the clear.  Next up, find out when constipation is a legit emergency that requires medical attention ASAP.


Dr. Kyle Staller, MD, MHP, board-certified gastroenterologist and the director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory at Massachusetts General HospitalDr. Sarah Shannahan, MD, board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastro Health