Love Actually quotes

  1. “At Christmas, you tell the truth.” — Mark
  2. “To me, you are perfect.” — Mark
  3. “There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?” — Karen
  4. “It’s my favorite time of day, driving you.” — Jamie
  5. “Worse than the total agony of being in love?” — Sam
  6. “I love that word, ‘relationship.’ Covers all manner of sins, doesn’t it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship; a relationship based on the president taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, um…Britain.” — Prime Minister
  7. “We may be a small country, but we’re a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, The Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. David Beckham’s right foot…David Beckham’s left foot, come to that.” — Prime Minister
  8. “Two years, seven months, three days, and I suppose an hour and 30 minutes.” — Sarah
  9. “Let’s get the s**t kicked out of us by love!” — Sam
  10. “Tell her that you love her. You’ve got nothing to lose and you’ll always regret it if you don’t.” — Daniel
  11. “True love lasts a lifetime.” — Karen
  12. “Get a grip; people hate sissies. No one’s ever going to shag you if you cry all the time.” — Karen
  13. “Definitely go for England, girl. You’ll meet Prince William—then you can marry him instead.” — Sophia
  14. “No, I’m wise. Stateside I am Prince William without the weird family.” — Colin
  15. “Invite him out for a drink and then, after about 20 minutes, casually drop into the conversation the fact that you’d like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies.” — Harry
  16. “Girls love musicians, don’t they? Even the really weird ones get girlfriends.” — Sam
  17. “It’s a terrible mistake, Chubs, but you turn out to be the f**king love of my life. And to be honest, despite all my complaining, we have had a wonderful life.” — Billy Mack
  18. “I look quite pretty.” — Juliet
  19. “The thing about romance is people only get together right at the very end.” — Sam
  20. “We need Kate, and we need Leo. And we need them now.” — Daniel
  21. “Hello David. I mean, Sir. St, I can’t believe I’ve just said that. And now I’ve gone and said ’st’. Twice. Oh, I’m so sorry Sir.” — Natalie
  22. “I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.” — Billy Mack
  23. “I know I seems an insane person—because I hardly knows you—but sometimes things are so transparency, they don’t need evidential proof.” — Jamie
  24. “Often, it’s not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there: fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.” — Prime Minister 
  25. “When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge—they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love, actually, is all around.” — Prime Minister Next, have a laugh with the best A Christmas Story quotes.

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