Vaginal itching is not exactly a subject that most women are eager to talk about, let alone deal with. But if you’ve ever asked yourself the question, Why does my vagina itch? Rest assured—you are not alone.  If you’re itchy and you know it, it could be a case of vaginitis. The term “vaginitis” can and does encompass a number of different disorders affecting the vagina and causing discomfort. Vaginitis can develop as the result of an infection from bacteria or yeast or a virus, or it could be traced to irritation from contact with a particular substance. So, what do you do if you’re itching? Well, you might want to get checked out. You might not be able to tell what’s causing the itching, which could hamper your ability to treat the itching correctly. So, if your vagina is itching and it’s been a few (very uncomfortable days) or you’ve developed some other symptoms, like abnormal vaginal bleeding, it may be time to call your doctor. Same goes for symptoms that persist despite treatment. “If you are trying at-home treatments and they aren’t helping, it is time to check for infections and seek additional care if appropriate,” says Ashley Harrison, a nurse practitioner with LetsGetChecked. You especially don’t want to risk letting a sexually transmitted disease go untreated. “It’s important to get it evaluated because if you have it for a long period of time, it can cause secondary problems,” says Alexis May Tran Kimble, DO, an OBGYN and urogynecologist with The Kimble Center for Pelvic Wellness in Los Angeles.

Why does my vagina itch?

Here’s a list of possible causes for that annoying itching:

Strongly-scented detergents.

If you’re itchy and irritated down there, it might be the result of contact dermatitis. Consider if you’ve washed your underwear in a strongly-scented detergent. The sensitive skin in your genital region may be reacting to it. Exposure to irritating substances can make your skin–any skin, including the vagina, get irritated and inflamed. You might develop a rash, along with the itch and maybe even some blisters. Swap out the detergent for a gentle, scent-free version instead and test it out on a few items of clothing before washing everything in it, suggests Dr. Kimble.

Hot baths

A long soak in a hot bath sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Maybe it won’t seem like such a good idea if you get really itchy afterward, though. “The vulvar skin is among the most sensitive in the body,” says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, an OB/GYN and clinical professor at Yale University. “Something like a bubble bath could give you some irritation or allergic reaction.” So, watch out for those strongly scented soaps, bubble baths and bath oils, since they can be very irritating and may cause you some itchiness.

Douches and sprays

Feminine sprays and douches can cause irritation and itching to your vagina, too. According to the U.S. Office on Women’s Health, douching can upset the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina that can make the vagina more prone to infections, too.

Yeast infection

More than one million women every year get a yeast infection, so they’re super common. They can also be super itchy. You have a type of yeast called candida that lives naturally in your body, including your vagina. But if the yeast begins to grow too rapidly, perhaps because you’ve been taking an antibiotic that’s killed off some of the bacteria that normally keeps the candida in check, it can disrupt the natural balance. That results in a case of vulvovaginal candidiasis or vaginal candidiasis, aka a yeast infection. You might get some redness or swelling in the vagina area, as well as itching, but most women will recognize the thick, pasty white discharge as the most familiar symptom. A course of antifungal treatment should clear up your yeast infection and relieve the itch.

Bacterial vaginosis

This is one of the most common causes of vaginal itching, says Harrison, who explained it’s caused by bacteria that normally live in the vagina, but something has triggered some overgrowth that leads to infection. The Mayo Clinic reports that douching, a new sex partner, multiple sex partners, and a natural lack of a particular type of bacteria known as lactobacilli bacteria are also risk factors for this itchy condition, which may also cause a fishy odor and a thin gray, green or white discharge. Your doctor can prescribe an oral antibiotic, topical gel or a cream to knock out the infection.

Trichomoniasis vaginitis

If you’ve developed some itching in the genital area and you’re experiencing smelly greenish-yellow discharge that might be a little bit frothy around the edges, you may have an infection called trichomoniasis. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it’s a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). And while it can make you itchy, sometimes it doesn’t cause any symptoms at all. You’ll need to take an antibiotic to knock this out–and so will your sexual partner.


Chlamydia is another common STD that can but doesn’t always cause vaginal itching in women. Sometimes, people will contract chlamydia and spread it to their partners because they don’t develop any symptoms at all. But others get the itch, along with a strong-smelling vaginal discharge and pain or discomfort during urination or sex.


This STD is another type of bacterial infection that can cause some pretty unpleasant symptoms. Among other symptoms, it can cause painful urination, vaginal discharge, and yes, vaginal itching and irritation. Fortunately, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Genital herpes

While we’re on the subject of STDs and the havoc they can wreak, add genital herpes to the list. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can easily spread through sexual contact and can cause pain, soreness, and itching in your genital area, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Genital warts

Genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and can vary in size, shape and amount. They can cause pain, bleeding, or yes, itching in the genital area. There’s no cure for HPV, but you can treat the symptoms. However, you might not even notice that you have them.

Lichen sclerosus

White or blotchy patches on your genitals are the hallmark of this condition. It can also create some severe itchiness. Lichen sclerosus is not a very common condition, according to the Mayo Clinic, but postmenopausal women are more likely than others to develop it. “A GYN provider should take a look at these areas to pick the proper medication to get these better,” says Minkin.

Genital psoriasis

Some people with psoriasis also develop psoriasis in the genital area, including the vulva and the skin around it. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, two kinds of psoriasis are the most likely to crop up in the genital region: inverse psoriasis and plaque psoriasis. With plaque psoriasis, you may develop discolored plaques of thickened skin that feels uncomfortable or itchy. With inverse psoriasis, lesions often form in the genital area, causing extreme itching or pain (or both), which are compounded by sweat and friction.

Hormonal changes

If you’ve had some hormonal changes recently, that could also be a possible culprit of vaginal itching. According to Yale Medicine, a drop in estrogen can lead to itching.

Vaginal atrophy

Also known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause, the reduced estrogen levels that are a major hallmark of menopause can thin the vaginal lining. That can cause irritation, dryness, and itching, but it may also cause some pain and even a burning sensation.

Urinary tract infection

Most of us associate a burning sensation with a urinary tract infection, and true, that’s the most common symptom. But occasionally, you can develop itchiness along with it, or possibly have a burgeoning vaginal infection that you’re not aware of because you’re more focused on the painful UTI. You might need an antibiotic. What’s next: Finally, the Answers to Your Most Common Yeast Infection Questions—So You Can Skip Dr. Google


Bacterial vaginosis, Mayo Clinic.Chlamydia, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Douching, Office on Women’s Health.Genital herpes, Mayo Clinic.Genital psoriasis, National Psoriasis Foundation.Genital warts, University of Michigan Health.Ashley Harrison, a nurse practitioner with LetsGetChecked.Alexis May Tran Kimble, DO, OBGYN and urogynecologist with The Kimble Center for Pelvic Wellness in Los Angeles.Lichen sclerosus, Mayo Clinic.Mary Jane Minkin, MD, an OB/GYN and clinical professor at Yale University.Trichomoniasis, Cleveland Clinic.Vaginitis, Cleveland Clinic.Vaginitis, Yale Medicine.What is contact dermatitis?American Academy of Dermatology.Yeast infections, Cleveland Clinic. 20 Reasons Why Your Vagina Is Itchy - 15