“When you’re nauseous, food may be the last thing on your mind,” says Brittany Lubeck, MS, RD, Nutritional Consultant at Oh So Spotless. “However, it is important to eat when you are experiencing nausea, as not eating can actually make things worse. It is also very important to stay hydrated when nauseous and add electrolytes to water if vomiting is present.” Long story short: Even if it’s the last thing you want to do, eating while nauseous is usually a good idea. Here are the top nutritionist-approved foods to try—and the good news is that they’re delicious.

The best foods to eat when you’re nauseous

Greek Yogurt

Packed with probiotics, Greek yogurt helps heal the gut. “Although probably not the first food you think of to eat when nauseous, Greek yogurt is packed with helpful probiotics that can restore gut health,” Lubeck explains. “When you are sick and nauseous, there is going to be more bad bacteria than good bacteria in your gut. Eating Greek yogurt can help balance your gut and help you feel better by adding more good bacteria.”

Ginger chews

Research shows the benefits of ginger for getting rid of nausea. “Ginger is a natural nausea fighter. Instead of choosing ginger ale, ginger chews are more concentrated as far as ginger content, making it more effective at fighting a sour stomach” says Diana Gariglio-Clelland, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

Refined carbohydrates

Yes, we are giving you permission to have carbs! Just make sure to choose the right ones. “The ‘R’ and ‘T’ in the BRAT diet, a typical go-to when nauseous, stand for rice and toast,” Lubeck states. “Make sure you choose white rice, white toast, certain crackers and other refined carbohydrates that are bland, as these are the ones that are easy to digest and recommended for combating nausea. These foods are high in starch and soluble fiber, which acts like a sponge by absorbing excess stomach acid that makes people feel sick.”

Peppermint oil

Known for its strong, refreshing taste, peppermint not only wakes up your mouth, but it can also calm an upset stomach. “Peppermint can help relieve nausea and has a pleasant, soothing taste,” says Gariglio-Clelland. “Studies have confirmed peppermint oil’s efficacy in reducing nausea, so having peppermint candies or even pure peppermint oil (make sure it’s the edible kind and follow instructions for oral dosing!) with you is a good idea if you’re prone to nausea.

Plain baked chicken

The protein in chicken can speed up the healing process and give your immune system a boost. “Protein sources, like chicken, are important to continue to eat when you have been nauseous for a while. This is because protein promotes healing and keeps your immune system strong. Also, eating chicken and other proteins along with bland carbs can increase overall calorie intake, which is difficult to do when sick,” Lubeck explains.


While this summer fruit is associated with alleviating morning sickness, it’s effective in combatting all types of nausea. “A nice, cold piece of watermelon can help reduce your symptoms from its high-water content and mild flavor,” says Allie Lansman, RDN, LD. “Just remember, you don’t want to overeat watermelon due to its high sugar content (which might make your nausea worse), so stick to 1-2 pieces at a time.”

Whole eggs

If your stomach is off, eggs are a smart choice as they are good for the digestive system. “Eggs are easily digested and can be eaten in several palatable ways, which means a nauseous person may be able to find a way to eat eggs that they actually enjoy,” says Lubeck. When in doubt, cold eggs are the way to go. “Eating eggs cold, like hard-boiled eggs, may be even better as cold foods are easier to get down when sick because they give off less of an odor,” Lubeck explains. “Plus, eggs are packed with protein and fat that your diet has probably been missing if you have been sick for a few days.”

Sweet potatoes

“Sweet potatoes can also be helpful for nausea. They are a complex carbohydrate that is easy to digest. It also contains vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium which are helpful for calming the body,” Rachel McBryan, RD, explains.


When it comes to alleviating nausea, bananas are great for several reasons. “First, eating bananas can replace any potassium commonly lost through vomit,” Lubeck states. “Bananas also contain soluble fiber that slows down digestion and soaks up excess stomach acid. When it comes to fruit, bananas are one of the most calorie-dense options, so you can get a fairly good number of calories by eating one banana compared to other fruits.”


Drinking tea can help settle your stomach. “When you don’t feel like eating you may be able to sip teas which can aid digestion and keep you hydrated. Ginger tea is a great choice and peppermint helps to relax [the] muscle in the GI tract and the aroma has been shown to significantly lower the chances of feeling nauseous following surgery,” says Ellen Albertson, PhD, RDN, NBC-HWC.  “Chamomile can help relax the digestive tract which can help reduce nausea."


Apples are an excellent option when you’re feeling nauseated. “Applesauce of skinless apples is another good source of carbs and soluble fiber,” Lubeck explains. “Plus, applesauce is gentle on the stomach so eating some shouldn’t make your nausea worse.”


The next time your stomach feels off, add this vegetable to your grocery list! “Related to carrots, coriander and dill, this herb and vegetable has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for stomach aches, constipation and diarrhea. One study found that consuming 30 mg of fennel prior to menstruation reduced nausea,” Dr. Albertson states.

Raw sauerkraut

This may be the last thing you want to eat on an upset stomach, but as it turns out, this raw cabbage can help with nausea. “This is because it contains digestive enzymes and is super rich in probiotics,” says Heidi Moretti, clinical RD and resident nutritional advisor to Sovereign Laboratories. “I’ve known many patients that recover from nausea simply by eating a tablespoonful of sauerkraut each day.”


This refreshing scent can work wonders for nausea. “Its uplifting citrus aroma can help reduce nausea,” Dr. Albertson explains. “One study showed that smelling lemon essential oil had a significant positive impact on reducing nausea in pregnant women.”


This fruit can be helpful when you’re feeling nauseous since it’s good for the digestive system. “The root cause of nausea sometimes is indigestion and pineapple is rich in enzymes that help foods break down,” Moretti states. “It is also easily digested so it won’t leave the stomach feeling heavy.”


You can go with certain fruit smoothies (benefits of different fruits mentioned above) or other easy-to-digest foods. “Smoothies can also make eating a lot easier. Make sure it’s balanced with some fresh fruit like bananas, easy-to-digest veggies such as spinach, a small spoonful of peanut butter and add in protein through Greek yogurt or a scoop of protein powder. While dairy might not be your first-choice food, the probiotics in yogurt may help settle your system,” says Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN and CEO of NY Nutrition Group.


Sticking to bland snacks such as crackers can ease stomach pain. “Crackers are your best friend when you’re battling nausea,” Moskovitz states. “Not only are they room temperature but they are bland enough to hopefully make [their] way down without coming up.”

Ginger ale

Similar to ginger, ginger ale is another way to help with nausea. “Ginger ale is an easy way to get some ginger and help settle your stomach,” says Melanie Betz, MS, RD, CSR, CSG, LDN. Next, read How Healthy Is Your Gut? Find Out How It Affects Your Immune System, Brain and More.


Brittany Lubeck, MS, RD, Nutritional Consultant at Oh So SpotlessDiana Gariglio-Clelland, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education SpecialistIntegrative Medicine Insights: “The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy and Chemotherapy”The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: “A Brief Review of Current Scientific Evidence Involving Aromatherapy Use for Nausea and Vomiting”Allie Lansman, RDN, LDRachel McBryan, RDEllen Albertson, PhD, RDN, NBC-HWCJournal of Menopausal Medicine: “Foeniculum Vulgare as Valuable Plant in Management of Women’s Health”Heidi Moretti, clinical RD and resident nutritional advisor to Sovereign LaboratoriesIranian Red Crescent Medical Journal: “The Effect of Lemon Inhalation Aromatherapy on Nausea and Vomiting on Pregnancy: A Double-Blinded Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial”Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN, and CEO of NY Nutrition GroupMelanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG, LDN 18 Best Foods to Eat When You re Nauseous - 518 Best Foods to Eat When You re Nauseous - 3218 Best Foods to Eat When You re Nauseous - 5418 Best Foods to Eat When You re Nauseous - 70