Your first thought may be to reach for an energy drink or a whole pot of coffee, but there are other ways that are better for you without the jittery side effects. Simple things like lighting or room temperature may be enough to keep you awake. However, chances are that you might need a little bit more than that. The following 15 tips on how to stay awake will go far in ensuring that you actually do.

15 Best Tips on How to Stay Awake

1. Turn Up the Lights

Just like how dimming lights can help you go to sleep, bright lights are stimulating and help to keep you awake. 

2. Take a Short Walk

If you find yourself starting to nod off while sitting at your desk, it’s time to get up and take a short walk. That little bit of activity helps to regenerate you by giving a little boost of energy.

3. Rest Your Eyes

When you stare at a computer screen for too long, your eyes will start to get fatigued, which doesn’t help with overall sleepiness. That eye strain also will start to make you feel like you can’t even see straight, making you unable to focus both visually and mentally. It’s a good idea to look away from the computer screen and focus on something in the distance to give your eyes a breather.

4. Drink Green Tea

Coffee contains a lot of caffeine which makes it a go-to when you are trying to stay awake. The problem with coffee is that if you have too much, it can give some people the jitters and make it hard to go to sleep when you need to. You can always start with a cup of coffee or even two but then it is a good idea to switch over to tea. Green tea is a great substitute. Although it also contains caffeine, green tea’s advantage is that it is loaded with other health benefits. According to Kris Gunnars, BSc, “Green tea does more than just keep you alert, it may also help boost brain function.” When we need to be alert and focused, that extra boost of brain power could be just what is needed for a long night of studying or a big work project. 

5. Eat a Healthy Snack

The act of chewing is a great way to keep yourself from getting too sleepy. However, you want to be careful with what you are eating. A sugary snack may give you a short boost of energy but it won’t last. You’ll end up getting a sugar crash which just makes you all the more sleepy. Plus, you also run the risk of unwanted weight gain. Instead, choose healthy items like a handful of nuts or a bowl of popcorn. You can usually get away with eating a lot more popcorn since it is normally low in calories, provided it’s not loaded with butter and salt.

6. Talk Out Loud

It may seem silly, especially if you are by yourself, but just the act of talking has the potential for keeping yourself from nodding off.

7. Give Yourself a Splash of Cold Water

There’s nothing that can wake you up more than cold water! Depending on where you are, you can either splash a little cold water on your face or take a full-out cold shower. Obviously, a shower is most effective as it gives a strong jolt of stimulation. However, even a small amount can be beneficial to help you stay awake. Even rinsing your hands under cold water will cool your blood enough to wake you up.

8. Get Some Fresh Air

If you’ve ever gotten sleepy while driving, you probably found yourself opening a window for fresh air. At home or work, you could do the same thing and open a window or put on a fan to get back your focus.

9. Take a Power Nap

Sometimes it’s most beneficial to give in to that sleepy feeling. A short power nap can do wonders to fight off that fatigue. Just make sure to keep it short enough to allow you time to get your work or studying done. Set an alarm so that you aren’t out for the night!

10. Stay Hydrated

When you are busy working or studying, it can make you forget to drink enough water, which can lead to dehydration. And, studies have shown that dehydration causes fatigue. So, make sure to drink plenty of water and eat fruits or vegetables that have a high water content to ward off dehydration fatigue. 

11. Take a Break

Breaks can do wonders for refreshing your focus and staying awake. Something as simple as brushing your teeth can wake you up from your sleepiness. If you’ve ever fallen asleep on the couch before bed and then forced yourself to get up and brush your teeth, you may have experienced this. That act of getting ready for bed may have stimulated you to the point that you find it difficult to fall back asleep.

12. Keep Your Space Cool

A warm working space can suck out your energy. To keep yourself energized, make sure the temperature is comfortably cool. However, a room that is too cold can take away from your focus. If all you can think about is how much you are shivering, you won’t be able to concentrate.

13. Play Upbeat Music

Music in the background that is upbeat (no lullabies), tends to be energizing. If you are able to work and do not find music distracting, this could be a nice way to help you stay awake.

14. Sit Up Straight 

To keep yourself from getting too sleepy, watch your posture. Sitting up straight in a chair at a desk is more conducive to staying awake than slouching on a couch or soft chair. And, for sure don’t try sitting up in bed!

15. Grab A Buddy

If you can study with a friend or work with a partner, you have much less chance of getting sleepy. Together, you can keep each other accountable and the interaction can be stimulating. Next up, how to stop procrastinating!

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