If you’re a Peloton devotee, you’ve likely seen a particularly clever or witty screen name from a fellow rider appear on the leaderboard. Lots of people enjoy the challenge of creating a username that makes them stand out because hey, it’s 2021, and we need to put our creativity somewhere.  But how do you pick a Peloton name, and if you end up choosing one you don’t like, can you change it down the road? We’ve got those answers for you and more, plus 100 funny Peloton leaderboard names to choose from.

How do you pick a Peloton name?

You want to pick a good one, since it doubles as the username you use when you log in and the name that pops up on everyone’s screen when you’re riding—and hopefully the leaderboard at some point!  You do have to stick with the 15-character limit when choosing a name. And remember: letters, numbers and the underscore symbol only. Also, you have to make sure that the name is available. You might pick one that highlights a hobby or your profession, or even where you live. Maybe you use a version that incorporates your name, or something that pokes fun at yourself or celebrates an accomplishment. Maybe you can work a pun in there somehow, too. “I’ve seen tons of creative ones go that route, like “LoggingMiles” for the name Miles,” says John Fawkes, a personal trainer, nutritional counselor. “Sure, these names don’t show you off quite as much on the leaderboard. But they’ll put a smile on people’s faces, which can be a gamechanger during a difficult session.” And let’s be honest, a lot of us have userane and password fatigue—so it never hurts to just pick something that you know you can remember.

How do I choose a good Peloton screen name?

Want to get a name check from an instructor during a ride? Pick a username that’s easy to read and call out. A long name with lots of numbers and no capitalization might make that a little tricky. “I’m a big fan of a pun. I’d say pick something you love and make a spinning pun out of it,” says Sierra Trade, who goes by #FreddieSpinzeJr.“Please consider the poor instructors who might have to give you a shoutout in the middle of a cardio burst, and all of the riders who have to listen to them struggle through it. I’m looking at you, HK721DJ.” “If you’re looking for a shout out during a live ride, the instructor is going to stick with PG-rated user names,” adds Kayla Girgen, RD, LD, a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer and founder of Nutrition Untapped. “Avoid profanity and choose a name that beams positivity. Instructors love that.” If you’re really stuck, you can always go with the Peloton Name Generator, and see what karma sticks you with. Fill in your name, hobbies, interests, and a few other pieces of information, and hit “spin.” But of course, if you prefer to stick with something fairly simple, that’s perfectly okay, too.

Can you change your Peloton name?

Here’s the good news for those of you who blanked out and picked something kind of boring, sill or uninspiring when asked to choose their name: You can change it at any time you want to. You’re not saddled with your first attempt for the rest of your career as a Peloton user.  As you learn more about the culture of the Peloton world, you may even want to incorporate some element of that into your next username. Some have even incorporated their favorite instructor’s name, like #MrsWannaBWilpers.

What are the usernames of Peloton coaches?

Ask your closest Peloton fanatic friend for the name of their favorite Peloton instructor or coach—we can guarantee they’ll have an opinion. In fact, they’ll probably act like they’re on a first name basis with their favorites, who often have fan clubs or crews of dedicated followers (#boocrew, anyone?). And to take any pressure off you to come up with a catchy name, you’ll notice that many of them went the simple route, too. Here are a few instructors to check out:

Ally Love: AllyMissLoveBen Alldis: BenAlldisCody Rigsby: codyrigsbyAlex Toussaint: MrToussaint25Christine D’Ercole: IAMICANWILLIDOKendall Toole: fitxkendallDenis Morton: Denis_MortonJess King: jesskingnycMatt Wilpers: MWilpers

You can see a full list of peloton instructors here.

Funniest peloton usernames

Some of these names have already been claimed or used. But some may still be available! And all of them might inspire you to come up with something witty for yourself:

  1. MissCalibrated
  2. TheSpinDiesel
  3. FreddieSpinzeJr
  4. MazelTough
  5. TheFbombMom
  6. Will_Spin_For_Zin
  7. TourdeMerlot
  8. TimmyTootsALot
  9. Momcanthearyou
  10. Spinster_Wife
  11. Loonisee
  12. Erin_my_tires
  13. Legal_spin
  14. MikeOnHisBike
  15. MarcoDntSayPolo
  16. Bitchimtrying
  17. ImOnAConfCall
  18. Haulin_Gas
  19. TricycleGrad
  20. SlowRida
  21. ChoppinBroccoli
  22. JoshingtonState
  23. Wine0naRider
  24. Glad2bhere
  25. Pedal2daMetal
  26. Slow_ride_her
  27. Willpedal4tacos
  28. Spoke2fast
  29. DonutKillMyVibe
  30. Donutkillmyride
  31. SpokeandMirrors
  32. SpokeAndaPncake
  33. RideOrCryTrying
  34. MeloPeloFelo
  35. High5Hero
  36. HandlebarLecter
  37. Helpdismama
  38. straightoutabed
  39. AhoyBeaches
  40. Spinnamon_Bunz
  41. ThighsB4Guys
  42. ISnatchWigs
  43. HallandSpokes
  44. PelosaurusRex
  45. Spingineer
  46. CountRockula
  47. Bike4BigBooty
  48. 15PiecesofFlair
  49. Menopozmeltdown
  50. ChuggingWine
  51. Pedals4Pinot
  52. GoFasterMom
  53. 1TimeatBandCamp
  54. DoGood_KickAss
  55. SpinsCharming
  56. ShooterMcLovin
  57. KennyBania
  58. JohnnyPedalseed
  59. ColdOut
  60. HuckleberrySpin
  61. SpinniethePooh
  62. ChamPAINallday
  63. SauvignonBlonde
  64. NoKidsDadBod
  65. LosingAPelo_Ton
  66. Cake_2_5K
  67. BunsAndRoses
  68. Girl0nTire
  69. ThighALaBuff
  70. SpinnethPaltrow
  71. SpinShady
  72. Spinfinity
  73. Obi_Spin_Kenobi
  74. Pelotonix
  75. Mandalori_spin
  76. Bikeologist
  77. I_Have_Spokin
  78. Spinocchio
  79. Vicious_Cycle
  80. SpingelinaJolie
  81. Sir_Spinsalot
  82. Spin_and_Juice
  83. Heavy_Pedal
  84. SpinDoctor
  85. SpinnerTakesAll
  86. KillerSpinstinct
  87. GinAndPelotonic
  88. LoveMeSpinder
  89. Cap_spinAmerica
  90. DrOfBikeology

Celebrity peloton names

Many celebrities are reportedly devoted to their Pelotons, too. Think: David Beckham, Michael Phelps, Leonardo DiCaprio, Usain Bolt, and others. But many compete under an alias, so they don’t have to reveal their real identity. So it can be hard to uncover their usernames (and some change them when their screen names are revealed.) A few screen names that allegedly belong to celebrities: 91. Cam Newton, NFL player: aceboog1e 92. Clint Avril, NFL player: MrSackFumble 93. Rory McIlroy , PGA player: rors89 94. Bubba Watson, PGA player: bubbawatson 95. Brandt Snedeker, PGA Player: bsneds 96. Charley Hoffman: charleyhoffman 97. Russell Wilson: DangeRussWilson 98. Matt Leinart, football analyst: mattyice111 99. Patrick Mahomes, NFL player: 2PM 100.Brooks Koepka, PGA player: BlakeKoepka 101.Jon Isner, tennis player: jisner85 102.Booger McFarland, football analyst: Booger9494 103.Roger Federer, tennis player: federer1 Next up, here are the 20 best workout apps.

100 Funny Peloton Leaderboard Name Ideas - 93