What Causes Bladder Control Issues
Anatomically speaking, urinary incontinence happens when the muscles in and around the bladder don’t function properly. The bladder is a hollow organ that is located in the lower abdomen and is part of the urinary system, which also includes the kidneys, ureters and urethra. During urination, bladder muscles tighten or contract to move urine into the urethra tube. Simultaneously, the muscles around the urethra relax to allow urine to flow out of the body. If any part of this process is affected, urinary incontinence (also referred to as an overactive bladder) can occur.
The Most Common Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence
Sudden leakage of urine due to coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise is probably the most common sign of urinary incontinence. However, others may experience an extreme and uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom out of the blue, without warning. Frequent urination is also a sign that you may be experiencing an overactive bladder, especially if you are waking up multiple times at night to use the restroom. And there are some who even find that they urinate in their sleep without waking up in time. These are all signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence—and can range from a little bit of urine leakage to a large amount. And as with any change in your body, you should always consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Causes of an Overactive Bladder
There could be many reasons why you may be experiencing urinary leakage. One of the most common, for women, is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. This is usually the result of pregnancy and childbirth. The weakened muscles can cause the bladder to sag out of its original position, causing inconvenient leakage. Certain medications, alcohol and caffeine can cause overactive bladder episode(s). This is because these products can dull the nerves, which in turn affects the signal to the brain. The result could be bladder overflow. This is especially prevalent when using diuretics or drinking caffeine, which causes the bladder to rapidly fill and possibly overflow. Nerve damage due to back or spinal issues can also cause urinary leakage. Or even a urinary tract infection can irritate the nerves, making the bladder contract and release without warning. Other diseases, such as Parkinson’s and MS, can cause urinary incontinence as can an estrogen deficiency after menopause. Whatever the case and cause may be for an overactive bladder, there are things you can do to manage and improve it.
Easy Ways to Manage Urinary Incontinence
Here, we look at 10 ways to get control of your overactive bladder. The little things you can do to help you to continue to lead a full, active life.
Monitor & Measure
Probably the first thing everyone with an overactive bladder should do is to record and track their leakage pattern. Keep a journal of when, how often, and the circumstances when your overactive bladder kicked in. Write down how often you feel the urge to urinate, how much you go, and if you have any leakage between trips to the bathroom or during exercise.
Empty Your Bladder Regularly
Referred to as timed voidings, make sure to set a regular schedule to go to the bathroom. The point is to go at allotted times instead of waiting for the urge to hit.
Prep for Physical Activity
If you know you have a physically demanding exercise session coming up, make sure to empty your bladder ahead of time. Exercise is a major trigger of urinary leakage, so by going to the bathroom right before you start, you can help mitigate the drips and dribbles.
Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor
Kegels are the most common way to do so. Kegels are basically just active contractions of the pelvic floor. These exercises are easy to do—you can do them anywhere without anyone even knowing. It is recommended that you do ten repetitions—squeezing three to six seconds before releasing for three seconds—two or three times a day.
Watch Your Fluid Intake
Avoid fluids before a workout (but stay hydrated during) to lessen the chances of urinary leakage. Or, if you find that your overactive bladder is especially problematic at night, don’t drink that extra glass of water or tea before bedtime. This goes for alcoholic beverages, too.
Avoid Acidic Foods
Acidic food can really affect your bladder control. Lay off citrus if you find you are having a problem. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes can all affect your urge to urinate, whether eaten or drunk.
Retrain Your Bladder
There is a reason that we all have to be potty trained when we are younger—the bladder is not an easy thing to control. So if you are experiencing bladder issues, consider retraining this vital organ. To effectively retrain your bladder, you need a combination of controlling the urge through kegels and diaphragmatic breathing.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Proper nutrition and exercise can help you to maintain a body weight that is healthy. Excess weight can be a cause of incontinence.
Go Regularly
Constipation can affect the bladder by placing pressure around the bladder. This pressure increases the urge to urinate. To keep regular, eat foods high in fiber, such as beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Be Protected
Wearing pads that are specially designed to catch any leaked urine is a good way to manage urinary incontinence. TENA Intimates® Pads are great protection. They combine 100% breathability with TENA Triple Protection and ProSkin Technology for a pad that is super absorbent, discrete, and keeps you feeling fresh and clean. It’s gynecologist and dermatologist tested and approved to help protect intimate skin from irritation. An overactive bladder is nothing to be embarrassed by. So many people experience it, either fleeting or for a longer period of time, that it is time to understand there is something you can do–and you are not alone. Have an overactive bladder? No need for anyone else to ever know (unless you tell them), with TENA Intimates, which are designed to capture everything from light drips to heavy bladder leakage. Find out more here. Next, Answers to All Your Bladder Health Questions Sources: Iowa Clinic Cleveland Clinic WebMD NIH Mayo Clinic APTA